This Xposed module allows you to change the NavBar buttons on your devices.
This Xposed module allows you to change the NavBar buttons on your Xperia/AOSP devices. On stock ROM, there're only three buttons on the NavBar (Back, Home and Recent Apps). Now you can have complete control of the buttons and how they look like.
Show or hide Recent Apps, Menu and Search buttons
Re-order buttons
18 themes with different colors
Restart SystemUI to see changes immediately without rebooting (Busybox required)
Define left and right margin
Define navbar height
Define search button actions
1. Your phone must be rooted
2. Xposed framework must be installed first
3. Xposed library 2.2 is required
Install the module
Run Xposed Installer and enable the module Xperia Stamina LED
Reboot the phone
Limitations & supported devices
I developed this module based on AOSP source code and tested only on my Xperia devices. I expect it to work also on AOSP devices such as Google Nexus. You can try it on other devices but I don't expect it to work universally, especially HTC and Samsung devices because their framework is heavily modified.
If you enable this module and Tinted Status Bar together, the color for the Home/Menu/Recent/Back buttons will be controlled by Tinted Status Bar while the Search button color will be controlled by this module.
If you're also using GravityBox, you must disable Navigation Bar Tweaks. Otherwise, this module won't work.
Currently the following devices are supported: (to be updated)
Sony Xperia ZR stock 4.3 ROM
Sony Xperia V stock 4.3 ROM
Sony Xperia ZL stock based custom ROM/eXistenZ
Sony Xperia SP ExistenZ 3.3.0
Sony Xperia T
Sony Xperia M dual stock 4.2.2 ROM
Sony Xperia Z1 4.4 ihackers 4.1
Sony Xperia Z1 Compact stock KK ROM
Sony Xperia Z stock 4.3 ROM
Nexus 5 stock 4.4.2
Nexus 7 (2013) stock 4.4.2
MUCH i5s
Moto G stock 4.4.2 ROM
Moto X stock 4.4.2 ROM
Samsung Galaxy devices (you need to set qemu.hw.mainkeys=0 in build.prop to enable Navbar)
Huge thanks to atticus182 for his great work of Softkey collection
Thanks to C3C076 for his wonderful GravityBox! This module uses some of his codes for search button actions.
** I can only work on Xperia/AOSP devices at the moment, please don't send requests on other devices **
** CM ROM is not supported because it has its own implementation of NavBar **
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