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جديد! تطبيق Beth Torah Android - الأحداث ، Scheduels & Siddur. Powered by Jolt

This app provides up to date prayer schedules & events for The Congregation Beth Torah Synagogue located at 1061 Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn, NY.

يضم هذا التطبيق أيضًا Siddur Free لـ Minha و Arbit و Birkat Hamazon و Almihya & Tefilat Haderech من Kol Yaakob Siddur استنادًا إلى العادات السورية السيئة من Aleppo ، سوريا.

The Minyanim

Main Minyan

في ظل قيادة الحاخامات أري آزانكوت ، يضم الجماعة الرئيسية Beth Torah مينيان الشهيرة العالمية الشهيرة السفارتيك ييهزكل زيون وإسحاق كاباسو. يقع في ملاذها الرئيسي التاريخي ، الذي تم بناؤه في عام 1968 ، واستيعاب أكثر من 400 من المصلين ، والرجال والنساء ، والكنيس اليومي ، والسبت ، والقضاء والخدمات الخاصة ، ليس أقل من مجيء ومثنية. Inspiring sermons and divrei Torah are beautifully delivered by our rabbis and prayers are run by a dedicated group of volunteer mesadrim. Minyan هو المكان المثالي لإحضار عائلة الضيوف ، والاحتفال بالمناسبات السعيدة والبقاء متورطين في برمجة SHUL وأحداثها.

Youth Minyan

For over 30 years, the Youth Minyan has been led by none other than Rabbi Shimon Cohen. His love for teaching children remains the same now as it has than. Walk in on any Shabbat morning and you will see that inspiration on the children and parents faces. The minyan has produced many leaders in the community and we are proud to say Rabbi Cohen had a hand in it.

Father Son Minyan

A Shining star for the synagogue, is the Father Son Minyan, run by Joey Mizrachi. I n this minyan the children are taught to read with proper sephardc-Halabi pronunciations and enjoy our heritage, at the same time have fun.

Young Beth Torah

Young Beth Torah is a program geared towards the young adults of our Qahal. إن هدف YBT هو تزويد Minyan بسبت لمراهقين لدينا والتي يمكنهم فيها المشاركة في إدارة Tefillot ، وكذلك تولي مناصب قيادية. It is also our mission to provide programs throughout the year, in which our young adults can socialize in a conducive and healthy atmosphere. Those events include learning initiatives, Shabbat programs, holiday celebrations and social trips. At YBT, we strive to cultivate our young adults and their talents, insuring the future success of our Qnis

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Last updated on Dec 29, 2015 Events, Schedules & Siddur - New to Android!

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