الرئيسيةطلبتعلم التعليم

For CA Final IPCC CPT Company Secretary ICWAI CMA M Com B Com 11 12 commerce

Who should use this App?

هذا التطبيق مخصص لـ CA Final ، CA IPCC ، CA CPT ، CS Professional ، CS Executive ، CS Foundation ، ICWAI / CWA (CMA) Exams CMA Final ، CMA Entermediate ، CMA Foundation ، M COM ، B COM ، فئة 11 و 12 امتحانات التجارة ، PO BANKING CLERK والامتحانات المالية الأخرى. هذا هو أكثر شمولية من حرم ICAI Cloud ، أو بوابة المعرفة BOS ، و ICAI E-Learning ، أو ICSI Academic Corner أو ICWAI ، أو ICMAI Elearning Material.

Who is CAKART .in?

CAKART .in is a leading online education platform trusted by 1 million+ finance students.

How will this CAKART App for finance exams help?

If you have this application, you do not need anything else to get success in your exams. The app provides

1. Best faculty video lectures and books

2. Thousands of free downloads of video lectures, notes, audio lectures

4. Regular updates almost everyday to keep students updated on what is happening in each exam.

5. Opportunity to connect with online expert mentors and solve your doubt instantly

6. CAKART QA forum provides a quick gateway to ask questions and get answers from expert

What exams and what subjects are covered?

The following CA exams and subjects are covered -

1. CA Final - Financial Reporting and Accounting Standards ( FR & AS),

2. CA Final - Strategic Financial Management ( SFM),

3. CA Final - Corporate And Allied Laws,

4. CA final - Advanced auditing and professional ethics, Audit

5. CA final - Advanced Management Accounting (AMA)

6. CA final - Information system and control Audit (ISCA)

7. CA final - Direct Tax (DT)

8. CA final - Indirect Tax (IDT)

9. CA IPCC - Accounting

10. CA IPCC - Cost Accounting and Financial Management, Costing,

11. CA IPCC - Law Ethics and communication

12. CA IPCC - Taxation, Income tax, Service Tax

13. CA IPCC - Advanced Accounting

14. CA IPCC - Auditing and Assurance

15. CA IPCC - Information Technology IT and Strategic Management SM

16 CA CPT - Accounting

17. CA CPT - Mercantile Law,

18. CA CPT - Economics

19. CA CPT - Maths - Quantitaive Techniques, Statistics

CS Exams -

The following Company Secretary (CS) exams are covered -

1. CS professional - Advanced Company Law & Practice ( ACLP)

2. CS professional - Secretarial Audit,Compliance Management and Due Diligence

3. CS professional - Corporate Restructuring, Valuation and Insolvency (CRI)

4. CS professional - Information Technology and Systems Audit (ITSA)

5. CS professional - Financial, Treasury and Forex Management (FM)

6. CS professional - Ethics, Governance and Sustainability

7. CS professional - Advanced Tax Laws and Practice ( ATLP)

8. CS professional - Drafting, Appearances and Pleadings

9. CS professional - Banking Law and Practice

10. CS Professional - Capital,Commodity & Money Market

11. CS Professional - Insurance Law and Practice

12. CS Professional - Intellectual Property Rights - Law and Practice

13. CS Professional - International Business-Laws and Practices

14. CS Executive - Company Law

15. CS Executive - Cost and Management Accounting

16. CS Executive - Economic and Commercial Laws

17. CS Executive - Tax Laws and Practice

18. CS Executive - Company Accounts and Auditing Practices

19. CS Executive - Capital Markets and Securities Laws

20. CS Executive - Industrial, Labour and General Laws

21. CS foundation - Business Environment & Entrepreneurship

22. CS foundation - Business Management, Ethics and Communication

23. CS foundation - Fundamentals of Accounting & Auditing

ICWAI CWA CMA Exams and subjects

1. ICWAI CMA Final Module 1 subjects, ICWAI CMA Final Module 2 subjects, CMA Final Module 3 subjects

2.ICWAI CMA Intermediate Module 1 subjects, CMA intermediate Module 2 Subjects

3. مؤسسة ICWAI CMA - أساسيات الاقتصاد والإدارة ، مؤسسة CMA - أساسيات المحاسبة ، مؤسسة ICWAI CMA - أساسيات القوانين والأخلاق ، مؤسسة CMA - أساسيات الرياضيات التجارية

All subjects of M.Com B.Com Class XI XII commerce stream syllabus of CBSE/ ICSE and other state boards covered

ما الجديد في أحدث الإصدار 4.1

Last updated on Sep 1, 2017 Bug fixes. Improved download section

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