الرئيسيةطلبتعلم التعليم
  • Customer Service Step by Step

    Customer Service Step by Step

    7.2 1.0 2024-12-22
    تعلم التعليم

تسوق Google تشغيل على الويب. شراء واستمتع على الفور على هاتف Android أو جهاز الكمبيوتر اللوحي دون متاعب المزامنة.

OK, so you have read the marketing books about how to get traffic to your site and you've used some or all of what you've learnt. But what happens when they visit your site. Maybe they go on your mailing list, if you have one, maybe they buy or maybe they do nothing at all and never return.

Industry statistics indicate the average web site converts a maximum of 1% of visitors to customers. That's not many when you consider how much work you have to do to get them to your site.

ما هي الحيل لزيادة نسبة شراء الزائرين إلى العملاء دون إنفاق ميغابوكس على حلول CRM (إدارة علاقات العملاء) المتطورة.

The e-commerce industry is awash with new services and hype about eCRM and vCRM. قدرت IDC Worldwide أنه بحلول عام 2003 ، سيتم إنفاق 90 مليار دولار أمريكي على مبادرات CRM لغرض زيادة عدد الزوار إلى نسبة العميل.

This report is about helping you to understand and implement the secrets of converting visitors to customers without spending megabucks. It makes you aware of the simple steps you can take to make your web business profitable. Here is a small sample of some of the tricks you will learn:

•How to use free research techniques to create customer focus

•How to choose the features for your web site that make it customer focused

•How to constantly mould your web site to have a better customer focus

•How to build profiled email addresses from your web site

•What are the typical hot buttons for Internet customers

•How to build credibility into your site to get visitors in a buying mood

•The customer friendly design elements ignored by most web sites

We truly hope you see the potential here, and realize how important this offer is!

Please enojoy the preview and upgrade to full version with commercial free.

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