التحدث باللغة العربية بسرعة وممتعة. Join over 50 million users & learn the Arabic language!
Learn Arabic with free lessons daily. Let Mondly teach you the Arabic language quickly and effectively. In just minutes you'll start memorizing core Arabic words, form sentences, learn to speak Arabic phrases and take part in conversations. Fun Arabic lessons improve your vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation like no other language learning method. Beginner or advanced learner, traveler or business professional with a tight schedule? The app works great and dynamically adjusts to your needs.
استكشف تمارين اللغة للقراءة والاستماع والكتابة والتحدث مع ذلك مع القاموس ، ومقرن الأعلاف ، وتقنية التعرف على الكلام الحديثة-ستشعر بأنك معلم اللغة العربية الخاصة بك في جيبك.
Download the language learning pill today and enjoy the benefits of learning a new language for life.
The secret path to language learning
Remember the Arabic language classes in school? لقد بدأت بمئات الكلمات والتعبيرات الأساسية ، وتابعت مع الكثير من دروس القواعد العربية ، وفي نهاية دورة لغة الفصل الدراسي الكامل ، بالكاد يمكنك ترجمة جملة أو قول "مرحبًا!" to a foreigner. That's the traditional way to learn a language.
Mondly has a different approach, that's opposite to the average language course.
This is how the future of language courses looks like
The App gets you started with a basic conversation between two people. تبدأ بسرعة في حفظ الكلمات الأساسية ، واستخدامها لإنشاء جمل وعبارات ، وفي نهاية وحدة 45 دقيقة ، يمكنك إعادة بناء تلك المحادثة مع صوتك. It's an effective way to learn Arabic phrases. State-of-the-art Natural Speech Recognition and Spaced Repetition Algorithms make the app effective for learning languages.
Here are the key features that make Mondly a great tutor for you:
Crystal-clear audio and professional voice actors. Learn the right Arabic pronunciation from conversations between native speakers.
State-of-the-art Speech Recognition. Mondly knows exactly how to listen to your Arabic words and phrases. You will only get a positive feedback if you speak Arabic clearly and correctly. This will improve your pronunciation.
Useful phrases for real situations. Memorizing hundreds of isolated words is not the way to go when it comes to learning Arabic. Mondly teaches you Arabic vocabulary by offering you core words and phrases. The app breaks the learning process down into short lessons and puts them into themed packs.
Learn conversational Arabic. Conversation is the main reason to take this free course. It will help you build a core Arabic vocabulary with widely-used nouns and verbs, and speak Arabic clearly.
Verb conjugations. If you want to learn more during this course, just tap the Arabic verbs and get the full conjugation on the screen, including the translation. It's faster and better than a dictionary.
Advanced Statistics. The App uses intelligent reporting, so you can always follow your progress. Build your vocabulary step by step and become better daily.
The Leaderboard. See how your friends are doing and compete with people from all over the world to become the best learner in the Mondly community family. Take the Weekly Quiz to become even better.
Adaptive Learning. Learning Arabic is different from person to person. So we taught the app to learn from your way of learning. After little time spent together, Mondly will understand what suits you best and it will become your own guide and customized teacher.
قبل أن تعرف ذلك ، في نهاية هذه الدروس العربية ، سوف تتقن أكثر الكلمات والعبارات الأكثر فائدة وستكون في الممر السريع لتعلم لغة جديدة.
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