الرئيسيةطلبنمط الحياة والترفيه

Virtual Closet - Mix clothes, organize outfits & share outfits with friends

★ Stylish New Feature: Virtually try on clothes from your favorite brands and match them with your own!

Imagine bringing your wardrobe with you everywhere. Imagine mixing your clothes on the move, while coming from work or going to the gym. Imagine having your own closet organizer, while being able to try on your clothes virtually - how does that sound?

It's time to stop imagining because creating your virtual closet and being able to organize clothes on the go is now possible with Mix Me .

Fun and easy to use, Mix Me will never leave you unprepared for a cool party, an important event or when you need style help!

Organize your closet, match outfits, and get ready to look like a star with the help of your fashion app!


Now you can try on clothes online, match them with your own and shop if you want to!

• Virtually try on clothes from your favorite brands and match them with your own.

• See which clothes you already have in your closet and which clothes you would like to have.

• Shop the items you like, with the help of you virtual closet fashion app.

Organize your outfits when traveling or for when you are too busy, so that you can fully concentrate on other important things!

Mix Me can become your digital wardrobe and help you when you are shopping. سترى ما هي الملابس التي لديك بالفعل ويمكنك أيضًا مزجها بالملابس التي تريد شراؤها ، من أجل إجراء مقارنة دقيقة وتنظيم خزانتك بشكل أفضل.

لمزيد من المرح - امزج ويشارك ملابس مع أصدقائك ، قم بإنشاء ملصقة للأزياء أو مجرد رؤية كيف يمكنك ارتداء الملابس للحفلة التالية التي ستحضرها.

Mix Me - تساعدك خزانتك الافتراضية على خلط وخزانة خزانة ملابسك ، وتنظيم خزانتك ، وتخطط ملابس ، واستمتع - كل هذه - مع إعادة اكتشاف ملابسك!

Mix Me – Your Virtual Closet Features :

- Good quality pictures.

- Auto-focus supported.

- Store photos on the SD Card.

- Load your pictures from your phone's gallery.

- Create different sessions to organize outfits inside your fashion app.

- Try on clothes online and buy your favorite clothes online.

- Browse and mix photos to try on different styles.

- Share different clothes combinations with your friends via third-party apps or on social media.

- Create outfits and save them in your virtual wardrobe.

- No Wi-Fi connection needed for your virtual closet!

- Easily delete unwanted images from your virtual fashion app.

- A great help tutorial to get you started to mix clothes efficiently.

Premium Features:

- Unlimited number of sessions for mixing clothes.

- Unlimited number of fashion photos.

- No ads.

Your Virtual Closet fashion app is Social!

Follow us: https://twitter.com/MixMeApp

Like us: https://www.facebook.com/App.MixMe

Add us on G+: http://gplus.to/MixMeApp

Visit our site: http://www.infobest.ro/mixme/

For technical support, please contact us at [email protected]. شكرا لك على دعمك.


من أجل مزج الملابس وإنشاء ملابس ، يستخدم Mix Me آلية تتيح لك تحريك الخطوط في كل مرة تقوم فيها بإنشاء مجموعة جديدة داخل تطبيق الموضة (قبل التقاط الصورة الأولى).

The lines will be blocked afterwards in order to make the gallery browsing consistent and in order for the clothes to mix great together. يمكن تغيير العلامات التي تحدد نقاط الرقبة والخصر بحرية طوال جلسات تطبيق الموضة ، للحصول على تجربة أفضل لخزانة الخزانة.

What's New in the Latest Version 3.9.6

Last updated on Mar 6, 2017 What`s new in 3.9.6:
• Added Private Policy content

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