Short daily devotions that apply the message of scripture to life's challenges.
تقدم مجلة The Upper Room Daily Davotional إخلاصات يومية قصيرة تطبق رسالة الكتاب المقدس على تحديات وفرص الحياة اليومية. توجه إدخالاتها الموجزة للمستخدمين مقابلة الله في الصلاة ، ورؤية خياراتهم اليومية وأعمال الطاعة الصغيرة كجزء من عمل الله ، ومواجهة المسيح الحي من أجل أن يتحول إلى تشابه المسيح.
Its reader-written meditations connect users with believers around the world and help them see their story as part of God's story. For more than 80 years, The Upper Room has drawn together millions of people each day in prayer and reflection on scripture.
Each digital issue of The Upper Room will bring to life new parts of the magazine. The features include the following:
- The full text of each daily devotion
- An integrated Bible for one-click reading of long scripture passages
- Coming soon: Learn more about each author
- Coming soon: Enjoy additional content from select authors
- Coming soon: Read content in English and Spanish
- Coming soon: Listen to content through an audio player.
- Coming soon: Comment on devotions
- Coming soon: Interact with other readers
- Coming soon: Bookmark your favorite devotions
One-year subscription for $15.99, or $1.99 per month.
ستبدأ الاشتراكات فور استلام الدفع ، والتجديد سنة أو شهر واحد من تاريخ الشراء ، اعتمادًا على دورة الدفع المفضلة لديك. Your subscription will automatically renew via your account 24 hours prior to the end of your subscription. Subscriptions cancelled after payment cannot be refunded.
The Upper Room is a part of Discipleship Ministries.
اقرأ المزيد