الرئيسيةطلبسفر سفر

Get Amazing Deals & Offers On Booking Flight Tickets, Resorts, & Hotels Online

Download Africa's #1 travel app and experience a world where travel will always be better, cheaper, faster and simpler. With Flights, Hotels, Cars and Buses and all-in-one place, you can enjoy the best travel bookings on the go.

Why is Travelstart Africa's top travel app?

It's Better: Search the widest collection of flights and hotels, compare the prices to suit your budget and make bookings on the go.

It's Cheaper: Access exclusive discounts and deals on flights, hotels and car rentals with app-only specials and promotions.

It's Faster: Process and confirm online flight bookings at lightning speed with safe and secure online payments. or get hold of our app customer service team with priority connections. Life is short, why wait longer than you have to.

الأمر أبسط: إدارة رحلتك بالكامل على التطبيق - ابق على اطلاع دائم بالتغييرات ، والوصول إلى تذاكر طائرتك في التطبيق ، والتحقق من حالة الرحلة ، والإلغاء ، واتخاذ عمليات تسجيل الوصول لحجوزتك في الفندق والرحلة.

The Top 10 Reasons to use the Travelstart app

Finding the cheapest flights online has never been easier. Compare flights from hundreds of airlines and choose the best one to suit your budget and itinerary

Stay updated with the latest low fare promotions & deals on popular routes.

Find your perfect holiday accommodation with over 1,55,000 of the best rated hotels in your favourite destinations to choose from

Check hotel reviews before booking to ensure you get the best quality rooms for your trip

Compare deals from over 1,600 car hire suppliers and get the lowest prices across the country. Select your pick-up location, your pick-up time, and pick-up date to book your car ride in minutes

احجز تذكرة حافلة واحدة ملائمة للميزانية أو حافلة إرجاع عبر الإنترنت ، ما عليك سوى إدخال وجهة الاستلام والإسقاط ، والتواريخ الأساسية ، وعدد الركاب لحجز تذكرة الحافلة الخاصة بك

Choose from multiple payment options, including credit or debit card, EFT, Mobicred, and Discovery Miles

Redeem vouchers on your flight tickets or hotel bookings directly in the app when you're purchasing you book a flight or hotel

Manage your entire flight booking from start to take off. Make changes to your flight through the app, confirm your details and check in to your flight

If you face any inconvenience, chat directly to our customer service team using the app priority support function

How to find cheap flights using the app:

Whether you want to book a one-way, round-trip, or multi-city flight, you can easily compare prices and choose the best online flight booking.

Filter your search by flight time, duration, and preferred airline to show the best cheap flight

Adjust your travel dates to see how the prices fluctuate before you book a flight

Select an economy, premium economy, business, or first-class flight ticket

Enjoy traveling locally with flights to Cape Town, flight to Durban, flights to Johannesburg and more

How to find cheap hotels using the app:

View hotels from the most popular destinations and select the one that fits your budget

Select a hotel according to your trip type, city, or country of choice

Travelstart makes using a hotel booking app easy and inspiring - search popular destinations, luxurious hotels and weekend getaways

How to find cheap cars using the app:

Book your car ride easily within a few minutes, you won't need to use another car renting app

Compare deals from over 1,600 suppliers and get the lowest prices

Select your pick-up location, your pick-up time, and pick-up date to book your car ride in minutes

How to find cheap buses using the app:

Book a budget-friendly one-way or return bus ticket online on our bus booking app

With just a few clicks, you can easily make bus booking online hassle-free

إذن ، ماذا تنتظر؟ Download Travelstart 's app and take your next travel adventure into your own hands. For queries and feedback- connect at appadmin@ Travelstart .com

What's New in the Latest Version 7.0.8

Last updated on Dec 18, 2024 Enhanced app stability and functionality.
Various performance improvements and bug fixes.

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