Yeah a bus simulator that you can play in the bus, Bus Transport Simulator 2015
In Bus Transport Simulator 2015 your job is to transport passengers around an super big and realistic city. Follow the traffic rules and make sure you ride on time, take care that you don't damage your vehicle. Buses are harder to drive around then normal standard cars, this makes this bus driver transport simulator unlike any other driving game. Bus Transport Simulator 2015 offers the player different styled buses.
The city is full of multiple routes, varying styles of buildings. A harbor and industrial are, loads of stuff to explore and even sight see. The game is super fun, you actually feel good about following the time path and obeying traffic laws and driving safe. But if you are feeling like smashing through the traffic that is up to you. But this will make it way harder to complete this 3D bus transport game. Any bus driver would tell you that keeping schedule is as important as driving safely. The aim of this bus simulator 2015 game is to keep the bus in one piece as you are driving from point A to B within the stipulated time. Extra points can be collected, these are to be found on the road.
هل لديك حلم الطفولة لم يتم الوفاء به في أن تصبح موصلًا للحافلات ، ثم يمكنك تنزيل لعبة Simulator 2015 الجديدة هذه والاستمتاع بسماكة حافلة حقيقية اليوم. Take control of public transportation today, pick up passengers and drive as fast as possible to the end destination in this 3D driving game. على استعداد لتصبح سائق حافلة حقيقي مع محاكاة الحافلات المذهلة هذا لنظام Android مع مدن واقعية لقيادة الظروف والفيزياء ، ستكون سائق حافلة في غضون ثوانٍ.
Bus Transport Simulator 2015 game features:
- Different buses
- Realistic damage
- Big open world city
- Traffic system
- Steering wheel on screen
So enjoy the open world the realistic maps the different buses and vehicles on the road, feel what it takes to drive a real bus. Jump into the drivers seat and take off today. Download this Bus Transport Simulator 2015 game today!
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