الرئيسيةلعبةاستراتيجية البطاقة

Fundamental course with 340 chess puzzles and 230 lessons taken from real games!

A fundamental course on chess tactics for Club Players. The course contains 240 teaching examples and 340 new exercises useful for consolidation of acquired knowledge. The exercises are classified according to about 30 tactical methods and motifs.

This course is in the series Chess King Learn (https://learn.chessking.com/), which is an unprecedented chess teaching method. في هذه السلسلة ، يتم تضمين دورات في التكتيكات ، والاستراتيجية ، والفتحات ، والألعاب الوسطى ، واللهى ، مقسمة بمستويات من المبتدئين إلى اللاعبين ذوي الخبرة ، وحتى اللاعبين المحترفين.

بمساعدة هذه الدورة ، يمكنك تحسين معارف الشطرنج الخاصة بك ، وتعلم الحيل والمجموعات التكتيكية الجديدة ، وتوحيد المعرفة المكتسبة إلى الممارسة.

The program acts as a coach who gives tasks to solve and helps to solve them if you get stuck. It will give you hints, explanations and show you even striking refutation of the mistakes you might make.

يحتوي البرنامج أيضًا على قسم نظري ، يشرح طرق اللعبة في مرحلة معينة من اللعبة ، بناءً على أمثلة فعلية. يتم تقديم النظرية بطريقة تفاعلية ، مما يعني أنه لا يمكنك قراءة نص الدروس فحسب ، ولكن أيضًا لتحقيق تحركات على السبورة والعمل على تحركات غير واضحة على السبورة.

Advantages of the program:

♔ High quality examples, all double-checked for correctness

♔ You need to enter all key moves, required by the teacher

♔ Different levels of complexity of the tasks

♔ Various goals, which need to be reached in the problems

♔ The program gives hint if an error is made

♔ For typical mistaken moves, the refutation is shown

♔ You can play out any position of the tasks against the computer

♔ Interactive theoretical lessons

♔ Structured table of contents

♔ The program monitors the change in the rating (ELO) of the player during the learning process

♔ Test mode with flexible settings

♔ Possibility to bookmark favorite exercises

♔ The application is adapted to the bigger screen of a tablet

♔ The application does not require an internet connection

♔ You can link the app to a free Chess King account and solve one course from several devices on Android, iOS and Web at the same time

The course includes a free part, in which you can test the program. Lessons offered in the free version are fully functional. They allow you to test the application in real world conditions before releasing the following topics:

1. Chess Tactics Art (1600-1800)

1.1. Opening the lines

1.2. Clearing important squares

1.3. المقاصة

1.4. Clearing the lines

1.5. Decoying the king into a mating net

1.6. Decoying to attack lines

1.7. Decoying to forks

1.8. Decoying

1.9. Distracting with mates combination

1.10. Diversion from a key point

1.11. Diversion in conjunction with a linear attack

1.12. Distracting pieces from defending other pieces

1.13. Unblocking by decoy

1.14. Intercepting a piece defending another piece

1.15. Intercepting in conjunction with mating threats

1.16. Intercepting

1.17. Discovered attack

1.18. مطحنة

2. Chess Tactics Art (1600-1800) - practice

2.1. Opening the d- and e- files

2.2. Opening the c- and f- files

2.3. Opening the b- and g- files

2.4. Opening the a- and h- files

2.5. Opening ranks

2.6. Opening diagonals

2.7. Clearing files

2.8. Clearing diagonals

2.9. Clearing important squares

2.10. Clearing ranks

2.11. Decoying the king into a mating net

2.12. Decoying to attack lines

2.13. Decoying to Knight forks

2.14. Decoying to attacks by opening lines

2.15. Decoying to attacks by retreating pieces

2.16. Decoying to Queen forks

2.17. Distracting pieces from defending important lines

2.18. Distracting pieces from defending the back rank

2.19. Distracting pieces from defending other pieces

2.20. Distracting pawns

2.21. Distracting pieces from protecting important squares

2.22. Intercepting a piece defending another piece

2.23. Intercepting a piece protecting from checkmate

2.24. Unblocking by decoy

2.25. Discovered attack

2.26. Using discovered attacks when attacking the King

ما الجديد في أحدث الإصدار 3.4.0

آخر تحديث في 3 أكتوبر ، 2024 * وضع التدريب المضافة استنادًا إلى التكرار المتباعد - فهو يجمع بين التمارين الخاطئة والتمارين الجديدة ويقدم مجموعة أكثر ملاءمة من الألغاز التي يجب حلها.
* Added ability to launch tests on bookmarks.
* Added daily goal for puzzles - chose how many exercise you need to keep your skills in shape.
* Added daily streak - how many days in a row the daily goal is completed.
* Various fixes and improvements

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