الرئيسيةلعبةمغامرة اكشن

The most interesting game Running Egg on IOS now comes to android!

The game is also ridiculously simple and addictive. لقد ملأت الملايين من تلك اللحظات الخلالية التي أمضيتها في ركوب الحافلة ، على متن طائرة أو في اجتماعات عمل مهمة ، وقد كان أو كان التطبيق المجاني الأول على iTunes في 139 دولة.

وهو مجاني! Go download it!

Who said Eggs can't fly?!

Use the one-finger touch play to jump, until this annoying gravity brings you back down to earth.

- Incredibly simple and addictive gameplay.

The engaging gameplay of Running Egg is designed as a typical platformer. If you remember the iconic games such as mario bros, giana sisters is the perfect item for you.

Go on an unforgettable adventure on many levels.

تحقق من ذلك! You won't be able to put this game down!

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