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"Recommended Smash Cop Racing is a 3D racing action, exciting and memorable as p


Smash Cop Racing is an extreme 3D action racing game that is exhilarating and stunning.

The game pits players' driving skills against felons who struggle to outrun them in wild, wild chases. يتضمن الكثير من الانجراف والانجراف من خلال حركة المرور السريعة الإسفلت ، مما يطرد المتسابقين الآخرين من الطريق وروح تشبه المحارب لتعقب الأشرار.

Smash Cop Racing game aims to smash the bad guys off the road in an excitingly mad chase in the centre of a stunning 3D city. يتم توجيه المطاردة بأكملها إلى تغطية جوية مثيرة على طراز التلفزيون للعرض. يمكن للاعبين الوصول إلى أكثر من 30 مهمة متاحة للمتابعة والاختيار من بين 9 مركبات المطاردة ذات السرعة العليا. They can as well get access more powerful vehicles, with stars representing police badge in order to access new parts of the city.

Additionally, they get to apply the games' innovative new 'push' controls. A single finger can drive, drift and skid the car in a way easy to learn but tricky to master.

What this App will offer the players.

This app can actually be downloaded on iPhones and played for free. It will make you to feel the impact of real American cops normally seen on movies as they pursue the mafia types.

The App will also enable you to learn and challenge you as well with fast racing techniques that you may need in your practical life experience.

This App will provide the player with excellent graphics, high speed racing action and a great cop experience involving a team of racers.

How to play the Smash Cop Racing Game

You as the player can chose which role to play. You can choose to pursue or to be pursued. The angle will depend on the need and limit on the player.

-سيتضمن متابعة Pursueto إنزال المجرمين الهاربين مع تجنب شرطة الأصدقاء وحركة المرور المدنية أثناء متابعة حركة مرور خالية من المربى.

- EscapeTo escape you need to get away as fast as possible from the felons and do a call out positin as fast as possible under time pressure.

-ChallengeThe challenge involves 7 distinctive mini games. ستحتاج إلى تحطيم شحن من السيارات متوقفة بشكل غير قانوني أو وقوف السيارات في موقف السيارات غير المخصصة ، والاندماج في مسار يكرسه الأقماع ، وتجنب حركة المرور على الطرق السريعة وجمع الأدلة في جميع أنحاء المدينة.

-أدوات التحكم في كسر الأرض تضع إصبعك ببساطة في الجزء الخلفي من السيارة التي يمكنك توجيهها ونسجها ودرعها وغزوها المجرمين الهاربين أثناء قيامهم بالتحكم القصوى في سيارتك. This is unlikely for most touch racing games.

-Large driveability of the cityThe 3D App makes it possible to attack and escape through the multi escape routes dispersed over the available 30 missions and eight vehicles. This is supported by the giganticness of the city with high visuals.

-Chaos and mayhem Smash, crush and take down felon vehicles as it happens in war. Obliterate the street view, drag the felons to custody and be the champion.

Features of of the racing game

•It enables you to get to and take down high speed felons.

•To escape possible death and criminal attacks in heart- thrilling chases

•It is a stunning 3D graphics

•It is played in a large, beautiful level tarmac with multi-player option.


The Smash Cop Racing game has received a wide fine base across many nations. It emulates the kind of traffic control system in Tokyo, Japan. They use of N2o and nitro commercial software to design their surveillance system to track down felons and traffic offenders. Car racers will definitely find this game exhilarating and addictive as they will enjoy racing at thunder turbo speed."

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