عش حياة كوغار البرية!
كن الصياد النهائي مثل كوغار الحقيقي. Wild Cougar Sim offers the most realistic simulation experience for animal fighting games! انضم إلى المعركة في هذه المغامرة الملحمية الفائقة التي تم تسليمها في ثلاثية الأبعاد المذهلة.
Survive in the wilderness as long as you can, exploring the land and hunting your prey. Start a family of cougars and protect them from other animal life by fighting against fierce animals like wolf, bison and jaguar.
Feel free to leave your den and explore your massive territory. Stay a healthy carnivore by hunting rabbits, raccoons and other wild life. Establish yourself by fighting off animal threats from the wolf, fox, bear and more
ابدأ عائلتك
Start a family and no longer travel as a solo hunter. Work together and increase the hunting abilities of you and your family members. Or you can go home and rest with your family or play games together.
In Wild Cougar Sim you can customize your characters like never before. حدد لون كوغار الخاص بك ، وتغيير حجم أجزاء الجسم المختلفة كما تريد ، ولجعل كوغارك أكثر تخصيصًا ، يمكنك إضافة وشم خاص.
Wild Cougar Sim has real RPG-gaming experience. By hunting other animals your cougar gets experience and levels up. By leveling up you can stat points, which you can spend on your characteristics, like Power, Speed and Health.
The world in Wild Cougar Sim is really huge. Not only it is huge, but also interesting. There are 4 islands each with it's own atmosphere. The world is so big that there are now 8 dens in the world: 2 on each island.
The world is so huge that you can get lost without a map easily. That's why we have developed a whole new 3D map that you can zoom in and out, rotate in any way you want and even use the compass in it.
حقيقي ليلا ونهارا
Wild Cougar Sim has a real in-game cycle of day and night on a 24 hour based time system. لكل 24 دقيقة يتم تشغيل اللعبة ، تمر دورة نهارية ونهار كاملة مدتها 24 ساعة في اللعبة
Unlock achievements and learn free factoids on the amazing life of a cougar. Achievements can be unlocked by hunting the right kind of animal life or completing special missions.
Additional game features
- 15 real life animals to hunt
- An in-game menu provides you with information on all the animals you'll be fighting
- Rotatable camera allows you to zoom in and out
- In-depth quest system with 20 missions to complete
- A lot of settings: left/right handed, static/dynamic joypad, button/joypad sizes, floating text options.
Have fun playing Wild Cougar Sim!
يرجى ملاحظة أننا لا ننتمي إلى أي ألعاب محاكاة للحيوانات التي طورتها شركات ألعاب أخرى.
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