الرئيسية المقالات

قائمة قيمة تداول TD خمس ليال (يناير 2025)


Apart from grinding for quests or joining a clan, the best way to get a lot of powerful, valuable units in Five Nights TD is by trading. على الرغم من أن ميكانيكا التداول واضحة إلى حد ما ، إلا أنه من الصعب معرفة القيمة الصحيحة للعنصر بسبب عدم وجود وقت في اللعبة ، مما قد يؤدي غالبًا إلى تجارة سيئة. So, if you are consistently making poor trades, don't worry! Here is a trading value list containing all the units in Five Nights TD.

All Character Values in Five Nights TD (Roblox)

Below, I have mentioned all the units in Five Nights TD and their current market value range for trading. أيضًا ، لقد حددت الطلب على كل وحدة في اللعبة من أصل 10. كلما ارتفعت قيمة الطلب ، كلما زاد عدد اللاعبين في هذه الوحدة المعينة في السوق. Use all these factors into account and make fair/sensible trades in Five Nights TD.

Nightmare Units

وحدة Value Range (Souls) يطلب
Exotic Butters 200K to 300K 10
Valkyrie Chica 35K to 50K 8
Leviathan Mangle 20K to 45K 8
Moondrop 20K to 30K 8
Belighted Endo Freddy 15K to 25K 7
Goliath Endo Freddy 12K to 18K 7
Outlaw Freddy 12K to 18K 7
Shadow Bonnie 10k إلى 12k 6
Belighted Foxy 8K to 12K 6
Forged Weather Bonnie 8K to 12K 6
Juggernaut Bonnie 8K to 12K 6
SpringTrap 5K to 8K 5
Glitched Puppeteer 6K to 8K 5
Overlord Scott 4K to 6K 5
Bouncer 4K to 6K 5
Galleon Foxy 4K to 6K 5
Phantom Mangle 3K to 5K 4
Endo 05 3K to 5K 4
Night Marionette 3K to 5K 4
Widow Baby 3K to 5K 4
Nightmare Mangle 3K to 5K 4
Scraptrap 3K to 4K 4
Shadow of Afton 3K to 4K 4
Scarecrow Foxy 2K to 3K 2
Ice Trap 2K to 3K 3
Diver Endo 2K to 3K 3
Ennard 2K to 3K 2
The King 2K to 3K 2
Stardrop 2K to 3K 2
اليسار 1.5K to 2.5K 2
Stone Trap 1K to 2K 2
Belighted Endo Bonnie 1K to 2K 2
Ares Endoxus 500 to 1K 3
Marionette's Puppeteer 200 to 1K 2
Bounded Shadow 200 إلى 500 1
Circuit Breaker Freddy 200 إلى 500 1
Dreadbear 100 to 400 1
Winter Soldier Bonnie 100 to 400 2
Jolly Shadow Bonnie 100 to 400 2
هذا أنا 10 to 100 1

الوحدات السرية

اسم الوحدة Value Range (Souls) يطلب
Jar of Pickles 220K to 280K 8
Reactor Freddy 20K to 25K 7
Flame Empress Chica 18K to 22K 7
War Machine Foxy 12K to 15K 7
Montgomery Gator 8K to 12K 7
Lolbit 7K to 9K 7
Endo 02 6K to 8K 7
Tarnished Spring Bonnie 5K to 8K 7
Scrap Baby 4K to 6K 6
King Trap 4K to 6K 6
Plane Boy 4K to 5K 5
Withered Golden Freddy 4K to 5K 6
سكوت 3K to 4K 5
Pirate Withered Foxy 3K to 4K 5
Eclipse Ballora 3K to 4K 6
Tarnished Fredbear 2.5K to 3.5K 6
Rockin Bonnie 2.5K to 3.5K 6
Gunslinger Endo 2.5K to 3.5K 6
Seven Seas Foxy 2.5K to 3.5K 6
Zeus Fredeus 1K to 2K 5
Patriot Foxy 1K to 1.5K 4
Wet Floor Bot 1K to 1.5K 4
Frost Queen Ballora 1K to 1.5K 4
Algae Fredbear 1K to 1.5K 4
شروق الشمس 1K to 1.5K 3
Withered Bonnie 1K to 1.5K 3
Freddy Frostbear 1K to 1.5K 3
Bounty Mangle 1K to 1.5K 3
Sentinel Bonnie 1K to 1.5K 3
Phone Guy 800 to 1.2K 3
Nightguard Afton 800 to 1.2K 3
Abyssal Foxy 800 to 1.2K 3
DJ Music Man 800 to 1.2K 3
Witch Toy Chica 600 to 800 3
Bucket Bob 600 to 800 3
Nightmare Fredbear 600 to 800 3
Purple Guy 600 to 800 3
Duelist Puppet 600 to 800 3
Clowntrap 600 to 800 3
Helpy 500 to 700 3
The Crying Child 500 to 700 4
Molten Freddy 400 to 500 3
Freddle 400 to 500 3
Rad Freddy 400 to 500 3
Steampunk Mangle 400 to 500 3
Enforced Bonnie 400 to 500 3
Hydra Mangle 300 to 500 3
Commando Endo 300 to 500 3
Slick Bonnie 300 to 500 3
Nightmare Bonnie 300 to 500 3
Blindeye Foxy 300 to 500 3
Mechanic Afton 300 to 500 3
Mendo 300 to 500 3
Fazbear Mafia 200 to 400 3
إليزابيث 200 to 400 3
Rockstar Foxy 200 to 400 3
Super Freddy 200 to 400 3
Popstar Chica 200 to 400 3
كابوس 200 to 400 3
Phantom Puppet 200 to 350
Foxseidon 200 إلى 300 2
Phantom Ballon Boy 200 إلى 300 2
Jackpot Freddy 200 إلى 300 2
Circus Baby 200 إلى 300 2
Jack o Cannon 200 إلى 300 2
Rocketeer Mangle 200 to 250 2
Music Man 100 to 200 2
Fredbear 100 to 200 2
Grim Foxy 100 to 200 2
Rave Demon Bonnie 100 to 200 2
Security Puppet 100 to 200 2
Spring Bonnie 100 to 150
Geared Endo 50 to 100 1
Frost Plushtrap 20 to 80 1
Reindeer Withered Bonnie 20 to 70 1
Phantom Cupcake 20 to 70 1
Endo 04 10 to 50 1
تشابك 10 to 50 1
Jack O Endo 10 to 50 1
Gladiator Foxy 10 to 50 1
Cupcake Tank 5 to 30 1

Evolved Units

وحدة Value Range (Souls) يطلب
Titan Crusher Freddy 80K to 120K 10
Frostbite Freddy 50k إلى 80k 9
Valkyrie Prime 50K to 60K 8
Nautic Crusher Mangle 35K to 37K 7
Deadeye Freddie 18K to 25K 8
Overclocked Puppeteer 10k إلى 12k 8
Overseer Foxy 10k إلى 12k 8
Fortified Endo 02 8K to 12K 8
Agonized Springtrap 3K to 4.5K 7
Animdude 3K to 6K 7
President Freddie 1.5K to 3K 7
Bomber Boy 1K to 2K 7
Limitless Shadow 1K to 2K 7
Fractured Bonnie 1.5K to 2K 6
Master Puppeteer 800 to 1K 6.5

Apex Units

وحدة Value Range (Souls) يطلب
Glided Knight 800K to 1 Million 10
Dark Night Puppet 320K to 380K 9
Old Man Krampus 150K to 180K 8
Old Man Consequence 85K to 100K 9
Astral Bonnie 60K to 80K 8
Apollo's Sun 60K to 80K 8
Kronos Endo Freddy 55K to 75K 7
Gravelord Foxy 50K to 60K 7
Black Ice Freddy 10k إلى 12k 5

Arg Units

وحدة Value Range (Souls) يطلب
Arg Circus Baby 300K to 400K 8

Forgotten Units

وحدة Value Range (Souls) يطلب
قهوة 55K to 80K 8
Dark Frostbear 20K to 30K 6

الوحدات الأسطورية

وحدة Value Range (Souls) يطلب
Ballora 150 to 250 6
Tavern Chica 150 to 250 6
Hawaii Endo 02 90 to 120 10
Withered Freddy 85 to 120 6
Phantom Golden Freddy 40 to 50 6
Vendor Toy Chica 40 to 50 6
Coco Boy 30 to 75 6
Balloon Boy 15 to 40 5
بوني 15 to 30 5
Golden Freddy 10 to 20 5
Mercenary Foxy 10 to 30 5
Nightmare Foxy 10 to 30 5
Nightmare Balloon Boy 5 to 10 3
Boombox Foxy 5 to 10 7
Plustrap 3 إلى 7 3

Epic Units

وحدة Value Range (Souls) يطلب
غطاء محرك السيارة 250 to 300 6
Funtime Freddy 250 to 300 6
Maestro Puppet 250 to 300 6
Hooligan Toy Bonnie 200 to 250 6
Party Chica 200 to 250 6
Bucaneer Foxy 200 to 250 6
Nightmare Chica 200 to 220 5
Nightmare Cupcake 200 to 220 5
Glitched Cupcake 140 to 180 5
Artillery Puppet 140 to 180 5
ملغم 120 to 180 6
Endo 03 100 to 200 6
FazeCade 100 to 200 6
Hawaii Endo 02 100 to 150 7
Baker Toy Chica 20 to 40 5
Withered Foxy 5 to 10 4.5
Toy Chica 2 إلى 10 4
Toy Bonnie 2 إلى 10 4

Other Items & Accessories

اسم العنصر قيمة يطلب
Shiny Hunter 25K to 35K 10
Greek Pass Ticket 25K to 32K 9
VIP Ticket 10K to 28K 10
Premium Pass Ticket 10K to 15K 9
Quick Open Pass 7k إلى 10k 10
Bouner Present 5K to 7K 8
Season 1 Clan Present 800 to 1.2K 7
PVP Present 700 to 1K 6
Season 3 Clan Present 200 to 250 7
Season 2 Clan resent 150 to 200 6
Afton's Wrench 100 to 200 6
Season 4 Clan Present 100 to 200 6
عذاب 100 to 150 6
Pandora's Box 100 to 150 6
قفل 85 to 100 6
Eternal Glass 75 to 100 6
Snowman 75 to 100 6
Stat Chip 50 to 100 7
Secret Present 30 to 70 6
Clan Present 30 إلى 50 3
Endless Present 1 20 to 30 2
Titanic Present 10 to 30 2
بيتزا 5 to 10 2
قصب الحلوى 5 to 10 2
Crying Child Soul 5 to 10 2
مصباح يدوي 1 إلى 10 2
Old TV 1 إلى 10 2
روح 1 1

How to trade in Five Nights TD

To trade in Five Nights TD, you have to get at least 10 Wins . So, hop on to any game mode and get ten wins to begin your trading journey. Once you have ten wins, follow the given steps.

  • Click on the Dual arrow symbol on the left side of the screen to open the trading section.
  • Now, click the name of the person with whom you want to trade on the server to send them a trade invitation.
  • Once they accept the invitation, the trading window will open, and you can exchange items between yourself.

لمزيد من محتوى خمس ليال ، تأكد من مراجعة جميع مكافآت العشيرة في خمس ليال TD وكيفية الحصول عليها أو خمس ليال من رموز TD على أدلة لعبة Pro.

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