Rune Slayer هو RBLOX RPG شائع حيث يمكنك اختيار فصلك والمغامرة في عالم واسع مترامي الأطراف مع العديد من المخلوقات ونهب في كل زاوية. You can also tame certain creatures that you encounter in the wilderness, but it isn't as easy as you might think. So, here's a complete guide on how you can find and tame all the pets in Rune Slayer.
Before we get started with how you can tame pets in Rune Slayer, there are a few things that you should know. Here's all of them:
Apart from the above, one more thing you should know is that every time you try to tame a creature, it has a certain chance of succeeding . For example, Fairies generally have a 100% chance to succeed while creatures like Wolves and Bears have a lower success rate.
مخلوق | موقع | How To Tame |
الوحل | Wilderness | Feed Slime Chunks (can be found by slaying slimes) |
Slimes are one of the most basic pets that you can find and tame in Rune Slayer. You can find them in the Wilderness region and can tame them by using Slime Chunks which drop from killing other Slime mobs.
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Black Ooze Slime | Caves | Feed Black Ooze Chunks (can be found by slaying Black Ooze Slimes) |
Similar to the regular Green Slime, you can find the Black Ooze variation of the Slime in caverns and underground areas. They can be tamed by using Black Ooze Chunks , which are also dropped from killing Black Ooze Slimes.
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عزيزي | Pinewood Thickets | Feed Apples (Found on Trees in Wayshrine) |
After Slimes, Deer are the best non-hostile mobs in Rune Slayer. They don't get aggressive when you get close to them and are relatively easy to tame using Apples that can be found on nearby Trees . Moreover, you can ride them as well, providing a good way to move around the world. Deer can be found quite easily in the Pinewood Thickets and the Wilderness.
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ذئب | Pinewood Thickets | Feed Raw Deer Meat |
Wolves are one of the stronger pets in Rune Slayer and require a bit more effort. You can find them in Pinewood Thickets, and they can only be tamed by using Raw Deer Meat . Do note that one or two Raw Deer Meat won't suffice, so you should carry at least 15-20 items are recommended.
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دُبٌّ | Pinewood Thickets | - Feed Honey. - Use Beast Tamer Skill. |
The next hostile mob that you can tame in the Pinewood Thickets are Bears . While they spawn less frequently than Wolves, you can tame them relatively easily using Honey. Do note that you'll be needing the Beast Tamer skill in order to tame Bears, as well as at least 20+ Honey items .
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Boar | Wilderness | Feed Raw Bass. |
Boars are relatively non-aggressive mobs in Rune Slayer. You can tame them using Raw Bass items, and even ride them . Boars can be found across the Wilderness and would need around 10 Raw Bass items to tame them.
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سمور | Pinewood Thickets | Feed Oak Logs (Cut down Oak Trees) |
Beavers are adorable-looking animals that you can find near the water bodies of Pinewood Thicket . While they don't provide much battle support, they are best for riding around and are very easy to tame. You need to feed them Oak Logs, that you can chop down from almost any nearby trees.
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Alligator | Greatwood Swamp | Feed Raw Serpent Meat (Found in Greatwood Swamp) |
يعد التماسيح أحد المخلوقات الأكثر خطورة في Rune Slayer ، ويوصى به فقط تحاول ترويضها عندما تكون قويًا بما فيه الكفاية ، حيث يمكنها أن تتصدرك. You can tame them using Raw Serpent Meat which can be obtained by killing Snakes which are also roaming around the Greatwood Swamp region.
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نحلة | Pinewood Thickets | Feed Honey (Found on trees) |
Bees are also tameable creatures in Rune Slayer. They are spawned when you collect Honey Combs from trees. سيبدأ النحل على الفور في مهاجمتك عندما تظهر ، لذلك يوصى بحمل ما لا يقل عن 5-10 عناصر عسل قبل البدء في ترويضها.
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جنية | Greatwood Swamps | Touch it. |
Fairies are one of the most rare creatures in Rune Slayer. They rarely spawn and can be tamed without using any item, by just touching them.
Another variation of the Fairy is the Golden Fairy, which has an even lower spawn chance in the Greatwood Swamp region. You can tame it as well by touching it.
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عنكبوت | Goblin Caves | Use Beast Tamer Skill. |
The Spider is a hostile mob that you can encounter in the Caves of Rune Slayer, especially the Goblin Caves. Thankfully, you have the option to tame them. Do note, that it is only limited to the Beast Tamer class using the Alpha Predator skill.
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Mud Crab | Greatwood Swamps | - Feed Black Bass. - Use Beast Tamer Skill. |
Mud Crabs are another hostile creature, roaming the regions of Greatwood Swamp. They are not very aggressive and can be tamed by feeding them Black Bass and using the Beast Tamer skill. Do note that you'll need at least 15 Black Bass or more to successfully tame them.
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النمر | Pinewood Thickets | - Feed Animal Heart. - Use Beast Tamer Skill. |
Panthers are a rare and extremely hostile mob that can sometimes spawn in the Pinewood Thickets. They are very tough to tame and require the rare Animal Heart item which can drop sometimes from killing animal mobs . You'll also need to have the Beast Tamer skill to successfully tame them.
You might've seen the Beast Tamer skill being mentioned multiple times when trying to tame pets in Rune Slayer. Here's how you can become a Beast Tamer in Rune Slayer:
يتيح لك اتباع الخطوات المذكورة أعلاه إلغاء قفل الفئة الفرعية Tamer Beast والحصول على مهارة Alpha Predator التي تتيح لك إخضاع الحيوانات الأليفة أكثر خطورة مثل الدب.
If you've tamed your first pet, there are quite a few commands that you can use in Rune Slayer to control your pet. You can summon and unsummon them by holding the T key.
You can also ride your pet and use them as a mount. For this, you need to obtain the Saddle item by completing the quest from the Lvl. 20 NPC. You can equip the Saddle on your pet, and ride it by clicking on your pet.
For more on Rune Slayer Roblox, check out Ultimate Rune Slayer Beginner's Guide or Definitive Rune Slayer Race Tier List on Pro Game Guides!