Enigma of Sepia is a popular mobile RPG featuring a mix of idle RPG along with rogue-like and Gacha elements. Apart from that, there are tons of characters to summon, create teams, and engage in both PvP as well as PvE. So, to help you dominate the battles, here's a complete beginner's guide for Enigma of Sepia.
After you complete the tutorial, which takes around five minutes to finish, you should first redeem the Enigma of Sepia codes. لا يوفر لك هذا فقط الكثير من الموارد داخل اللعبة مثل Star Diamonds وعقود النخبة ، ولكنه يساعدك أيضًا على الحصول على برنامج Headstart مقارنةً بالاعبين الآخرين ، والذي يمكن أن يكون مفيدًا للغاية ، خاصة في الخوادم الأحدث.
Now, the most important aspect of every Gacha and idle RPG is getting your hands on top-tier characters for your team. يمكن القيام بذلك من خلال الاستدعاء ، ولكن هناك ثلاثة أنواع من الاستدعاء في لغز Sepia ، وهي استدعاء النخبة ، واستدعاء الأصدقاء ، والاستدعاء . Among them, Elite and Faction are the ones you need to focus on.
There's around a 1% chance to pull an SSR+ character from Elite Summon, and 0.1% to get a UR rarity one. While on the Faction summon, an SSR+ or a UR is guaranteed every 10 draws . If you're unhappy with your pulls, you can always choose to reroll your account by logging out and changing servers. If you want to know how to do it in detail, check out our reroll guide.
With over 40 different characters to summon and choose from, it can be quite confusing on which ones to focus on and invest your resources . So, to help you choose the right ones, here are the best units in Enigma of Sepia:
Apart from the above ones, there's Giselle who is arguably the best SSR + and has tons of use in PvE and PvP modes. For F2P players, Little Sai and Nova with 10+ stars are also great for mid to late-game usage. For a detailed look, check out our tier list for Enigma of Sepia.
As you might've seen, the core of your team isn't the character itself, but how you build them. So, to help you build your units correctly, here's a detailed overview:
بصرف النظر عن ما سبق ، يوصى بأنه عندما تقوم ببناء شخصياتك ، يجب أن يكون جوهر فريقك أو أفضل وحدة على الأقل 100 مستوى من وحداتك المتبقية.
Shikigamis are a very important part of your team's formation. Even though you can equip up to 3 of them in the late game, you'll be starting with Onimusha. But, do note that Tsukuyomi is by far the best Shikigami for your team in Enigma of Sepia . You can eventually get her from Shikigami Wish.
Your team's formation is what matters in the late-game and PvP modes. If you haven't optimized your lineup, then even with top-tier characters you'll be losing. So, here are some good lineups to use in Enigma of Sepia:
Characters: Eclipsea (Core), Satoria (Sub Core), Little Rasi, Sylvia, Eldwyn, Lumina
Essentially a one-shot lineup against PvE and Boss-fights . Every character stacks up Bleed debuffs and then deals a massive burst with Eclipsea's Rage skill.
Characters: Carmilla (Core), Chronis (Sub Core), Ivy Lynn, Nora Zorana, Bipolaris, Ginara
Arguably the best lineup for PvP, excelling in Defense and Counter attacks . Decreases opponent's skill triggers while dishing out massive DPS and counterattacks.
Characters: Lumina (Core), Elysia (Sub Core), Little Rasi, Scientia, Cheshire, Eclipsea
Relatively easy to acquire the characters and star up to 10✦. Works well in every mode, and has great synergy among units. Overall quite balanced.
The Great Voyage mode in the Void Rift is your go-to mode if you want to farm Gears and Scrolls in Enigma of Sepia. يمكنك مسح مراحل في وضع PVE الذي يشبه Rogue هذا للحصول على معدات Epic و Legendary وحتى المرتبة الأسطورية في المراحل 1-12 و 13-44 و 45+ على التوالي ، والتي تتمتع بفرص جيدة لقطرات التمرير. You can then synthesize them at the Factory to increase their rank even further.
There are a total of seven types of Shops in Enigma of Sepia . So, to help you avoid confusion, here's what you should buy from each of them:
Apart from the above shops, the other three shops have fixed items that are permanently available. Just buy the characters or Life Skills that align with your team.
لمعرفة المزيد عن لغز Sepia ، تحقق من Enigma of Sepia Tier List & Reroll Guide - جميع الشخصيات و Shikigami في المرتبة أو لغز رموز Sepia على أدلة اللعبة المحترفة!