" Chick Kitchen ", die ganze neue Schlupf -Sim ist hier !! Let's create your farm.
Hatch eggs in the kitchen?
Das stimmt!
" Chick Kitchen ", die ganze neue Schlupf -Sim ist hier !!
Let's create your own farm.
= What is “ Chick Kitchen ”? =
The first eggs-hatching simulation!
Let's figure out how to hatch different kinds of chicks in your own kitchen and expend your own farm.
= Hatch eggs in the “Kitchen”! =
Verwenden Sie verschiedene Küchengeschirr wie eine „Pfanne“, „Bratpfanne“ oder „Ofen“, um Eier zu schlüpfen, und fügen Sie verschiedene Arten von Gewürzen hinzu, um alle einzigartigen Küken zu bekommen !!
= View your own Chicks in the “Farm”! =
View your chicks and raise your funds by selling the chicks!!!
= Get all equipments and ingredients in the “Shop”! =
Buy all seasonings and kitchenware in the “Shop” to show your capability in the kitchen!
Just start it right now! Beeil dich!! Let's collect all chicks!!
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