GBA Emulator- the best app base on GameBoy Advance system
Introducing: The first thing you'll notice about the app is how completely different it looks. GameBoy Player was designed from the ground up for Android 4, with the goal of making everything not only look better, but simpler to use. However, looks aren't the only things that changed; GameBoy Player bringt eine Reihe neuer Funktionen wie Sustain Button, Controller -Vibration und die Möglichkeit, während der Spiele Ihre eigene Musik zu spielen. Finally, GameBoy Player has been fully optimized for Android tablet...
With GameBoy Player, cheaters always win.
The number one most requested feature is finally here: GameBoy Player has full support for cheats! Playing some classic games are nice, but cheats give you a whole new level of freedom with what you can do. Mit Unterstützung von fünf verschiedenen Cheat -Code -Formaten müssen Sie sich keine Sorgen darüber machen, ob Ihr Code mit Gameboy Player kompatibel ist - er funktioniert nur. Better still, per-game Master Codes are handled for you automatically by GameBoy Player, making the cheating experience just that much easier.
✔ Supports Android 2.0+, 2.3.X, 3.X, 4.X
✔ Game Boy Advance System (GBA)
✔ Multi Touch/Keyboard/Gamepad controller supported
✔ Move and resize the touch input controls to your liking!
✔ Load/Browse compressed archives (*.zip, *.7z)
✔ Custom ROM directory, RomFetcher support
✔ PAL support
✔ Shaders! (hq2x, super eagle, 2xSaI, etc).
Having a problem? Got a suggestion? Wir würden gerne von Ihnen hören! You can reach us at support at [email protected]
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