StartseiteSpielSimuliertes Geschäft

Wahlen. Wohin wirst du es werfen? Bei mpoumpoukos? Bei Benny? Or at someone else?

All the politicians have gathered and are posing for an original , true and unique poll like no other. Pick your favorite politician and throw at him as many “votes” as you can ! Aim carefully though because your vote makes the difference.

Game Characteristics

-19 Politicians to choose and one guest star loved journalist.

-Vote counter in Kilograms.

-Special formulation with every “vote” you throw, for each different part of the face.

-4 Different weapons to “vote” your favorite politician.

-Daily and weekly measurements at the poll YOU form for the politicians of Greece.

A sarcastic and humorous game to measure how many Kilograms of love the Greek people have towards their leaders.

Was ist neu in der neuesten Version 1.0.5

Last updated on Aug 5, 2016 Ropalo now is much cheaper due to crisis and capital controls

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