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Las 5 misiones secretas en Pokemon TCG Space-Time Smackdown y cómo completarlas


It's not a Pokemon TCG Pocket update without a few Secret Missions. In fact, Space-Time Smackdown, which focuses on the Sinnoh region, introduces several new quests that players have to figure out. Here are all five Secret Missions in Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown and how to complete them.

All Space-Time Smackdown Secret Missions in Pokemon TCG Pocket & How To Complete Them

Nombre de la misión secreta Requisitos de misión secreta Recompensas de la misión secreta
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 1 Recoja las siguientes tarjetas:

Bidoof Alt Art
Combee Alt Art
Croagunk Alt Art
Drifloon Alt Art
Heatran Alt Art
Lucario Alt Art
Mamoswine Alt Art
Mesprit Alt Art
Regigigas Alt Art
Arte alternativo de Shaymin
Shinx Alt Art
Tangrowth Alt Art
36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Emblem Tickets
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 2 Recoja las siguientes tarjetas:

Carnivine Alt Art
Cresselia Alt Art
Garchomp Alt Art
Gastrodon Alt Art
Giratina Alt Art
Glameow Alt Art
Hippopotas Alt Art
Manaphy Alt Art
Rhyperior Alt Art
Rotom Alt Art
Spiritomb Alt Art
Staraptor Alt Art
36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Emblem Tickets
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 3 Recoja las siguientes tarjetas:

Darkrai EX Rainbow
Gallade EX Rainbow
Pachirisu EX Rainbow
Yanmega EX Rainbow
36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Emblem Tickets
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 4 Recoja las siguientes tarjetas:

Infernape EX Rainbow
Lickilicky EX Rainbow
Mismagius EX Rainbow
Weavile EX Rainbow
36 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Emblem Tickets
Champion of the Sinnoh Region Recoja las siguientes tarjetas:

Cynthia Super Rare
Garchomp Alt Art
Gastrodon Alt Art
Lucario Alt Art
Spiritomb Alt Art
Garchomp Emblem

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Cómo obtener tarjetas Smackdown en el espacio-tiempo en Pokemon TCG Pocket

In order to become the Sinnoh champ, players will need to know how to get their hands on the Space-Time Smackdown cards. Bueno, después de la actualización de bolsillo de Pokemon TCG del 30 de enero del 30 de enero, hay dos nuevos paquetes de refuerzo en el juego, uno con Dialga y otro con Palkia.

However, the packs house very different checklists, meaning players need to know which pack to open to get the cards they're looking for. Dado que las misiones secretas en Space-Time SmackDown se centran en las artes alternativas, aquí es donde encontrar cada una de las necesarias para completar todas las misiones de bolsillo Pokemon TCG :

Dialga Cards

  • One-Star Alt Arts
    • Bidoof
    • Combe
    • Croagunk
    • Drifloon
    • Calentero
    • Lucario
    • Mamo
    • Mesprit
    • Regigigas
    • Shaymin
    • Shinx
    • Tangrowth
  • Two-Star Full Arts
    • Yanmega EX Rainbow
    • Pachirisu EX Rainbow
    • Gallade EX Rainbow
    • Darkrai EX Rainbow

Palkia Cards

  • One-Star Alt Arts
    • Carnivine
    • Cesselia
    • Garchomp
    • Gastrodon
    • Giratina
    • Glameow
    • Hippopotas
    • Manaphy
    • Rhyperior
    • Rotom
    • Spiritomb
    • Staraptor
  • Two-Star Full Arts
    • Cynthia
    • Infernape EX Rainbow
    • Mismagius EX Rainbow
    • Weavile EX Rainbow
    • Lickilicky EX Rainbow

Se necesitará para abrir bastantes paquetes para obtener todas las tarjetas necesarias para las misiones secretas en Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown . However, the booster packs aren't going anywhere anytime soon, since the January 30th update kept both Genetic Apex and Mythical Island around. So, there's no reason for players to get discouraged if they don't pull anything wild in the event's first couple of weeks.

And that's all five Secret Missions in Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown and how to complete them.

Pokemon TCG Pocketis disponible ahora en dispositivos móviles.

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