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Ondas de anime oficiales x enlace y discordia


Another adventure begins for those ready to harness their energy and take on powerful foes. The first world of Anime Waves X is inspired by the anime Naruto , featuring recognizable faces like Zaruto, Sakuri, and Sazuke. As you explore, you'll encounter areas filled with challenges, collect powerful pets, and master unique abilities that can help with raids. Use the Anime Waves X Trello link to learn everything about the game and join the Anime Waves X Discord server to connect with the community.

  • Anime Waves X Trello
  • Anime Waves X Discord
  • Anime Waves X Roblox group
  • Anime Waves X game link

What is the Anime Waves X Trello?

La Junta de Anime Waves X Trello es un recurso oficial con información sobre todo lo que necesita saber sobre la experiencia, ¡ciertamente me ha ayudado a saber sobre el jefe secreto del área 1 de Naruto Village! Organiza todo en secciones fáciles de leer, ayudándole a encontrar lo que necesita rápidamente, mientras que los códigos de Waves X de anime lo ayudan a asumir las peleas. Some of the most useful categories on Trello include:

  • Modos de juego
  • Information about each area
    • Pets - with information about each pet energy multipliers
    • Avatars
    • Ranks
    • Secret Boss - Gives you an image of the vague area where it can be found
  • Gamepass
  • Ranks

How to Use Anime Waves X Trello

You don't need an account to view the Trello board. Just click the link above, and you'll see different categories arranged in columns. Take a look at the top of these columns for what information the column will contain. Use these tips to find what you're looking for:

  • Scroll through the columns to browse all sections.
  • Click on any card to see details about a topic.
  • Press F and type a keyword to search for specific information faster.

What is the Anime Waves X Discord?

El servidor Anime Waves X Discord es un centro comunitario donde puedes hablar con los jugadores, obtener actualizaciones de los desarrolladores y aprender sobre el próximo contenido. Here are some channels to help you get started:

  • #Preguntas
    • Go here if you're stuck on something and want to ask Discord for help.
  • #game-news
    • This is the place where the developers/staff of Anime Waves X let you know about upcoming updates and more.
  • #change-logs
    • The update logs channel is important as it tells you everything added in the latest patch/update, so you always know what's new to get!

How to Join Anime Waves X Discord

You'll need a Discord account to join the Anime Waves X Discord server. Si no tiene uno, regístrese en el sitio web de Discord o descargue la aplicación Discord . Una vez que esté en el servidor, asegúrese de verificar su cuenta para el acceso completo, luego navegar al contenido de su corazón o hable con aquellos que también aman las ole ondas de anime X como nosotros.

Now that you know more about the Anime Waves X Trello link, check out the Roblox Game Codes page on Pro Game Guides.

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