FeedMe est un lecteur RSS hors ligne simple et complet.
FeedMe est un lecteur RSS hors ligne simple et complet pour Feedly, INOREADER, BAZQUX, le lecteur plus âgé, Feedbin, Tiny Tiny RSS, Freshrss, Fever, visant à offrir la meilleure expérience utilisateur à lire et à gérer vos articles préférés.
******* APERÇU *******
- One-click save to Pocket, Evernote, Instapaper and Readability.
- No AD.
- Offline reading with pictures and full text.
- Supports podcast RSS and TTS.
******* DOCUMENTATION *******
******* CARACTÉRISTIQUES *******
- Custom feeds you want to sync
- Support podcast & TTS
- Support star & tag
- Support swipe left and right in article list page
- Auto mark read while scrolling
- Minimal, summary, list, card and vision view for article list page
- Offline reading(with pictures and full text)
- Automatic synchronization
- Instant state sync
- Read-friendly UI(uniform font, color, format of page)
- Built-in picture viewer, support GIF
- Built-in browser
- Accent colors
- Themes: light, paper, dark, night and e-ink
- Unread count widget
- Volume buttons navigation
- Send to Email, SMS and social services through installed apps
Maintenant, FeedMe utilise la traduction OneSky to Manager, si vous aimez cette FeedMe et que vous souhaitez la localiser, veuillez visiter https://oszvg1n.oneskyapp.com/collaboration/project/32907 et rejoindre-nous. If language is not listed, please contact me. Mail : [email protected]
Also FeedMe use beta test to test translation. You can join here: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.seazon.FeedMe.
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