  • Revolutionary War (turn-limit)

    Revolutionary War (turn-limit)

    7.1 2024-12-21

American Revolutionary War is a strategy game set on the American East Coast

This is a free turn-limited version of American Revolutionary War 1775-1783, a turn based strategy game set on the American East Coast.

You are in command of the ragtag US armies during the American Revolutionary War 1775-1783. The object of the game is to fight off British forces and control enough cities to be able to claim independence. Events threatening the Colonies include raids by Iroquois warriors, uprisings by royalist units, and Hessians and British forces landing on your shores.

Cities provide supply to units, while Plantations provide Gold which is needed for various purchases. New militia units can be formed from Minutemen locations still at your control. Any attacking unit needs to be located nearby a movable Ammo Depot, which can be created from Armories.

Full version available at the store

What's New in the Latest Version

Last updated on Oct 1, 2023 + Revamped movement arrow drawing mechanism
+ Setting: Alter how strongly hexagon grid is drawn on the map
+ Setting: Scattered Units marked with symbols instead of icons (various options)
+ Setting: MAP button can show full screen map with default city icons or VP is drawn over the city in a circle
+ Setting: Make support units to be at higher or lower selection priority
+ Setting: Automove (moving several hexagons at once) can focus the map into direction of travel
+ 50 UNDOs
+ HOF cleanup

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