  • Azzouz is Mad

    Azzouz is Mad

    8.4 4.0.3 2025-02-27

Game Azouz savior and liberator country Tamazga

The Ottoman Empire lived through a period of turmoil and frustration

The failure of all its attempts to invade the Far Maghreb countries.

After Sultan Mahmud I took over the rule of the Ottoman Empire

He decided to achieve that lost victory and expand his influence and power

In North Africa and the invasion of the Far Maghreb.

Sultan Mahmud I gathered armies, mobilized soldiers, and sent them to

The outskirts of the Far Maghreb, where the battles intensified and escalated

Fighting and casualties rose among the people of the country

A brave warrior named Azouz appeared in the midst of the battles.

Azouz was a symbol of courage and valour. He had the spirit of a warrior

Noble and fought to protect his land and people.

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