  • Carrot Jabber

    Carrot Jabber

    8.6 1.3 2024-12-03

Everyone knows poking giant radioactive carrots is the best way to waste time!

So you want to grow genetically modified, slightly radioactive super-carrots to feed an expanding army of cloned rabbits?

After narrowly avoiding all of Farmer McDoogles' deadly rabbit impaling/crushing/incinerating traps, Jerry the rabbit finally reached the elusive carrot patch to discover that it was actually one giant, genetically modified, radioactive, super-carrot (play Carrots Or Die! market://details?id=com.lifeschematics.CJA ).

Not being put off by the glowing, or the strange smell of burning, Jerry took a bite and found himself transformed into an evil genius! After whisking the super-carrot away to his new secret lab he quickly discovered that by rapidly jabbing the mega-vegetable he could make it produce thousands of radioactive mini-carrots. Enough to feed a whole rabbit army in fact...

Carrot Jabber is the first step in Jerry's new quest for total world domination. Help him stockpile millions of carrots by using your fingers to jab the super-carrot!

Help Jerry to create more mini-carrots by jabbing the super-carrot in the middle of the machine and stockpile these in a reinforced warehouse ready for his next mission (World War J - coming soon).

By selling crates of your genetically modified mini-carrots on the black market for radioactive vegetables, you can buy and upgrade ten marvellous machines that will increase the giant super-carrots cloning productivity!

The number of carrots you can horde for Jerry's future rabbit army is unlimited, and determined only by your jabbing power and super machine collection.

Message from Jerry: Your carrot score is saved automatically every 2 minutes! Watch for the red lights next to the save button (or manually save by tapping the save button) to make sure you don't loose any hard earned carrots when you leave the app!

What's New in the Latest Version 1.3

Last updated on Nov 22, 2015 Jerry has been working feverishly to ensure Jabbing Carrots is as fun as it possibly could be. In this update he squashed a couple of annoying bugs that had wormed their way into the original code!

Jerry would also like to remind everyone that the game auto-saves every 2 minutes (which will be customisable in a future release). Please don't forget to save your carrots before you leave the app!

Happy Jabbing.

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