  • Jewelry Game

    Jewelry Game

    7.9 2.3 2024-12-20

Board game puzzle gems jewel

Games Jewelry Jewelry

Gem game (Jewelry) horizontally or vertically in the same jewelry to put three or more games.

Hand when you touch a certain shape, the blue rectangle is displayed when you touch another shape adjacent the location of the two shapes are interchangeable. Thus the same shape will be placed at least 3.

When three or more shapes, such as placing a new shape on the screen disappears from the top gets pushed down.

Each time the gauge level rise will be supplemented. Each shape is gone, and reluctance on the score exceeds certain score level goes one step. Shape in time to be fit in time if you do not level up, the game is over.

Levels may rise to the level of 55.

When multiplied by the number corresponding to the Combo as Combo scores are cumulative.

If you touch the speaker icon in the upper-right corner of the sound can be adjusted to the presence.

Android volume control to the left or right button to adjust the volume can be adjusted. Or Preferences> Sound & display> Media volume is decreasing moderately in the sound.

Currently the game does not save state information. Will be implemented in the next version.

m_nScore = m_nScore + m_nComboCount * nSize * m_nLevel;

Score = Combo * number * level of the same shape

What's New in the Latest Version 2.3

Last updated on Jul 11, 2016 2.0
You can also change the position by sliding the jewelry of

Have modified to fit the game screen

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