
The game Broom 15, now in Multiplayer and free.

The game Broom 15, now in Multiplayer and free.


Broom is a game where you can play against one or three opponents handled by the mobile.

The goal is to combine one of your cards with the cards on the table so totaling 15 points are added depending on the collected letters or if the chart table is clean.

The first player or pair who gets 20 points wins the game.

Figures has a special value: the jack is worth 8, 9 and the horse King 10. The remaining cards have their own value.


At the beginning of the game player 1 start playing as "hand". The player to his left is the one who deals the cards and is called "foot", he will divide the 3 cards per player, and placed 4 cards face up on the table.

In his turn, each player will try to add 15 with one of his letters and with the mat. If it can not be ruled out a letter that will be placed on the mat.

If successful add 15 to all cards from the table, a 'broom "is achieved (indicated in the table for each player).

The player who deals can score 1 or 2 brooms if the cards on the table that deposits totaling 15 in one or two letters, respectively. At this broom it is called "BROOM BAG".

When players run out of cards, 3 cards are dealt again until the deck is exhausted. When this happens, the last remaining cards on the table collects the player who made the last trick.

dot count is made and reshuffle to start another game. This time, the player who starts the game is on the right side of the former.

The game ends when a player reaches or exceeds 20 points. If more than one player exceeds this limit will win the most points.

At the end of each game, scoring round will be held according to the cards you have collected and brooms that each player has achieved.

• For each broom: 1 point.

• To have the most gold medals: 1 pt. If there is a tie 1 point is dealt to each.

• To have 7 gold medals: 1 pt.

• By having most sevens: 1pt. If there is a tie 1 point is dealt to each.

• By having the most letters: 1pt. If there is a tie 1 point is dealt to each.


Click on a letter to select or deselect both the mat as yours. You can only select one of your cards. After the selection press the PLAY button. If you can not add 15, select one of your letters and press PLAY to deposit the letter on the table.

VERY IMPORTANT: If you pull a card without selecting a letter from the table, and it can add 15, the win the player to your right, calling himself "QUIT".

What's New in the Latest Version 3.1.1

Last updated on Mar 3, 2024 Soluciona un problema creado en la versión anterior

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