  • Lupus in Tabula Online

    Lupus in Tabula Online

    8.4 1.28 2024-12-19

Enjoy Lupus in Tabula in Online.Look for the wolf hiding in civil!

[Game objectives;

Citizen Team: sikineunge goal is executed by a vote of seven to find hanmyeongui werewolf player.

Werewolf: The goal to kill the henchman citizen four people, except among citizens.

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※ For how to play is the developer cafe ※

※ Developer's Cafe: http://cafe.naver.com/workingoferun ※

How to play

1. Register you to login later.

2. Create the room through the bottom right button to create a room or entrance room to create a daegibang.

3. The room is created position by pressing the 'Entry' button.

4. The first time you start the night.

5. At night, you can use the skills of each profession.

6. In the morning, find the werewolf skill and dialogue with the player last night.

7. Voting time, the wolf will give a ticket to someone who is suspected as a human who is letting most executions table (Table 2 longer apply)

8. anhamyeon vote is automatically waived (no disadvantage when abstention)

9. Wolf citizens to vote grab the first civil human team wins

10. The remaining citizens wolf than or equal to human and werewolf henchman team can win

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Job Description

[Werewolf]: kill every night to attack one. (When connected to a henchman 1 through partners Button: 1. availability)

[Traitor]: help the werewolf wolf man win win together. Find the werewolf at night. You know neutdae find a job (availability via partner button) + Just one man and availability Players (including dead)

[Veterans]: Wolves can not defend just one man's offense.

[The Prophet]: Make sure that the citizens Citizens One person likes this human wolf at night (the second day from the night available).

Spirit Mass.]: The dead every night to make sure what career.

[Bodyguards]: Wolf Every night one people can be given a civil defense from human attack.

[Nobility]: no executions be put to vote. + You can change the content every night notice.

[Lover]: The job comes only 11 games. The two players at the start of the game lovers. Love each other can chat with each other partners.

[Monitor]: The job only in 11 out of the game. Every night to find the traitor.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.28

Last updated on Nov 28, 2015 자세한 업데이트 내역은 아래 주소로 오세요!

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