  • Mom Give Birth Newborn Baby

    Mom Give Birth Newborn Baby

    8.3 6.1.4 2024-12-19

Mom Give Birth Newborn Baby - Games for girls

When a child is born, we must have very good care of him, and his mother. Must provide the necessary treatment to recover and to feel good after giving birth. Today at our clinic presented a pregnant mother who is about to give birth, and we need to help her. I'm not very good hasty, so, in this game you must be the person who will help the doctor and the future will take care of this mother.

1) First you have to check the mother's pulse, and blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen administered the least.

2) then you must remove the child from his belly and cut the umbilical cord.

3) We need to administer an injection to protect children from disease and infection.

Then you must prepare the child, which means that you must delete well, to give him milk to drink, he wrapped it in a blanket to be warm and to feel well and the last thing that you need to do is take him to his mother to enjoy it. Thank you for your help.

Have fun!


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