  • Mom give birth to an angel

    Mom give birth to an angel

    8.9 10.1 2024-12-19

Mom give birth to an angel - games for girls

Tonight our best friend felt pretty bad and I went with her to the hospital. She is pregnant and this is probably why they do not feel well. The doctor told us that it does not care because it is sick so I have to get hold of a person who helps the doctor to examine our friend. In this game you must be the person who will help the doctor and the future will take care of this mother.

1) First you have to manage them a glass of water to quench your thirst.

2) We need to check the temperature and to administer a drug to reduce it.

3) after the baby was born have to give food for hungry.

4) still have to play with the baby to sleep.

5) must change his diaper and we tell a few stories.

Thanks you agreed to help us today because without you we could not finish it birth and could not do other things to do.

Good luck!

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