  • Robot Defense Wars

    Robot Defense Wars

    8.3 1.0.1 2025-03-14

Robot Defense Wars is the best strategy game based on a classic tower defense!

Robot Defense Wars is a strategy game based on a classic Tower Defense game. Robot Defense Wars reveals a story about the battle of humanity against dark forces from remote planets with evil intension destroying the Earth. Playing this game, you will be in a role of a hero protecting our home and fighting against the most dangerous forces in the galaxy. With the support of machine wars, robots have enough power to destroy our home. Let’s protect our home with extremely powerful modern weapons.

With colourful effects and vivid sounds, Robot Defense Wars will bring a real fierce battle to player’s experience. You will be in the middle of the great wars among the stars with just a touch of a button. Don’t miss the chance to have amazing experiences with Tower Defense one of the most awesome strategy game of all time.

### Features:

- 20 maps with variety of geography, scenes such as village, city, harbour, snow mountain, space ship …

- Tower Defense system includes 6 categories of weapon with 5 levels for each.

- 15 robots with various speed and power.

- Win 20 battle, defender will get the victory.

- Defender can speed up the pace of the battle.

### Tips:

- Defender needs to choose the right kind of weapon in the right time and position.

- Defender should upgrade one in good position first.

- Combo appropriate weapons brings more power.

- Defender have to practice to master putting weapon skill.

- Try different Tower Defense strategy to find the best.

If you are a fan of Tower Defense - Strategy game, there is no reason for you to miss this epic game version Robot Wars. No mercy wars against evil robots will satisfy even the most fastidious gamers. Download Robot Defense Wars and become a great defender now.

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- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ZitgaOfficial

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