  • Robot Skybot X Warrior

    Robot Skybot X Warrior

    8.5 1.6.8 2024-12-18

Robot Skybot X Warrior is a super robot with cool weapon and skills!

Robot Skybot X Warrior is an Iron hero with high tech weapon and cool skills will help to save the world! The robot force and power will control the robot world. Not just adventure, robot skybot x also provide you a robot games fighting with a very good weapon effect.

With Skybot X Warrior - Iron Force you will have to fight stage by stage to kill strong boss. We invest the graphic and the weapon for boss and stage to make the game more beautiful, more challenge in adventure game. As a robot fighters you have to take the mission to cover all of your skills to complete your mission.

Each Boss will be decorated a different weapon system and it 's stronger on each stage. We support more than 30 bosses at a moment, but more will come soon and very soon you will see a strongest robot boss.

Robot fighting games is always a favourite game for any of versus game fan. In this robot game we try to make you enjoy all of fighting features with cool effect as possible. You need to be very skill to get over all of boss and stage with many enemies.

A robot games must be strong, many effects and many skills so that we provide you a very strong weapon system for robot character. If you love to have many power skills then Robot Skybot X Warrior is a best robot game choice for you.

If you love Action game or Adventure game, we are pretty sure you will love this game. Now it 's time to SAVE THE WORLD with Robot Skybot X Warrior.


- Cool Graphic User Interface

- Easy to play game

- Great Game play, you can play without any instruction in the first play

- Unlimited challenges

- Unlimited Weapon and Character Robot


Skybot X: Our team design and Idea

Boss 1, 2: shutterstock.com

Boss 3, 4, 5, 6: deviantart.com

Boss 7 to 30: our team design and idea.

Welcome comment to our homepage: http://cradiff.com/skybot-x-warrior/

iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id989629400

What's New in the Latest Version 1.6.8

Last updated on Jul 27, 2016 1.6.8
- Support more weapon: Super fire ball, cyber sword
- Support Multi-language
- Support Item for weapon
- Upgrade power and graphic for default weapon
- Fireball super skill
- Double power for all forms
- Support 30 bosses
- Update Ads Management and Reward Video
- Mediation intergrate
- Support 26 bosses
- Improve game speed and skills
- Improve graphic
- Make a better design for stage 7
- Optimize rating system

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