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  • Tea Party With Mr. Cat

    Tea Party With Mr. Cat

    9.3 1.0 2025-03-08
    Simulated business

Tea Party With Mr. Cat in 3D is a tea time simulator, where you are going to drink some English tea and discuss weighty matters with Mr. Cat. Mr. Cat is officially your pet from today and you are his master. And it means, that you have to take care about him and make him the most kawaii cat in the world.

So, here, take this cup of tea and very carefully give it to him. VERY CAREFULLY because he KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR HAND.

Firstly, you will make for him a house out of a box. He can do there whatever he wants, even call all his friends and play virtual games with them or make a mad tea-party like Alice from the wonderland.

Secondly, yeah, it's very hard to control the hand, so better use accelerometer. So, he is your pet ….. NOT SPILL THE TEA ON HIM... give him the piece of cake....GIVE IT TO HIM, DON'T SMASH IT INTO HIS FACE. And don't forget petting him, he will be thankful for this.

Thirdly,.... give him the fish, don't.......DON'T PULL HIS HAIR.

Ultimately, we are sure you will be a friends with him. And have more tea parties with our game Party With Mr. Cat.

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