Let the app calculate how much DEF your Icarus still need!
The app provides a complete overview of the individual runes and artifacts. So you can build a full Tricaru team better and faster.
You can type in all the rune data and artifacts of your Icarus and calculate how much DEF your Icarus still need!
You can also enter all relevant values that are necessary for a complete Tricaru team.
Such as:
Guardian Tower
-Guild DEF bonus
- Determination runes set number etc.
Don't worry, your entered data will be saved on the device.
Give it a try, what are you waiting for?
NEW: Online storage of Tricaru data is 20% complete. The Update is coming soon. The data will be accessible via the registered account with any device.
Online chat system. Chat with other Summoners War players directly in this app :)
Android permissions:
- android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE (check update)
- android.permission.INTERNET (comme use)
- android.permission.ReadPhoneState (becouse of Google AdMob)
More about permissions: https://shadowlessgt.wixsite.com/shadowlessstudios/app-permissions
More about Privacy Policy:https://shadowlessgt.wixsite.com/shadowlessstudios/privacy-policy-tricarustatscalculator
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