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Why play by yourself when you can do it with a hundred others! Music Multiplayer

World Wide Multiplayer sound board and Arcade games!

Yes thats right! Why play single player games and apps when you can do it with almost a hundred others at the same time!

Play on maps with friends from around the world, such as Keyboards, Drums, Bass Drop, and Flappy Riffs.

Use the in-game chat to give and receive reputation points!

Compete your play times with others on the scoreboards!

You have to play it to see just how crazy it can be!

You will never go single player again!

- Parents -

The games chat is censored and partially monitored, but this does not stop some children from trying to say bad language. Lots of players have already been banned, and it is likely more will continue to be. Please be aware of this. Thank you.

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