  • Word War Z

    Word War Z

    8.7 ' platformBuildVersionName= 2024-12-05

Battle for complete word domination!

A real time 2 player game to challenge the most wordy of competitors.

Starting from your end of the board, create a path of words from one end of the board to the other, while blocking your opponent from doing the same.

There's a robot player Z_Robot - she's a bit simple but puts up a good fight. There's nothing like a human opponent, but it's early days yet, you may have to bring a friend until enough people are on board :^)


Each move must connect to existing letters or the bottom row.

There are no turns. Go as fast as you can.

Game ends when a player connects the ends of the boards.

If there is no winner in 10 minutes, the player with the most board coverage wins.

In App Purchases

There is one In App Purchases available.

Unlock 3 extra slots. The free game comes with 7 available letters to play with. You can make that 10 available letters for a one off purchase. The 10th letter is always a vowel. Keep WWZ free from advertising!

Thanks to http://toviorogers.deviantart.com/ for the artwork, and http://www.afcreative.com.au for assistance with the screens.

What's New in the Latest Version ' platformBuildVersionName=

Last updated on Jul 20, 2015 Facebook now turned off by default

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