View your events and tasks on the Android homescreen!
Highly customizable homescreen widget which allows you to show calendars and tasks from various other Android applications. It comes with various preset themes and has 3 display modes (inline, icon and date row).
Ini adalah versi gratis dari aplikasi yang berfungsi penuh, namun saat ini tidak menerima pembaruan fitur (informasi lebih lanjut: kecuali Anda menggunakan versi Android 4 atau lebih yang dimulai dengan agenda widget 2.0
The free version still gets bug fixes and will have some minor changes to the settings.
Agenda Widget Plus gets you:
A grid view
Support for UTD
New default theme
Cleaner settings
Calendar color override
Easier to make separate widgets
For a full list of differences between free and plus is check the website
More about the free version:
Calendar application support:
- Google including Activesync
- Motorola Droid corporate calendar application(now obsolete)
- Touchdown exchange
Tasks application support:
- Astrid
- SSI gTasks
- Dato GTask
- Google Task Organizer (Full version)
- Got To Do (Full version))
Scrolling is available with ADW Launcher, Launcher Pro, Go Launcher, Xperia Arv launcher and others.
Zeam has dropped scrolling launcher support, not my fault :P
Please E-MAIL with bug reports, comments are useless.
If you like this buy the Plus version!
Jika Anda mengalami masalah dengan widget atau memiliki saran tentang fitur yang hilang, satu -satunya cara itu akan dilakukan adalah jika Anda mengirim email kepada saya atau menambahkan komentar di forum! :)
- Sorry, too many updates in the last 2 days. This one IS important (fixed the indefinite loading bug)
Jellybean update may:
- data sources
- tap clear calendars
- set calendars
- select your calendars again
See site for more details
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