halaman depanaplikasiOlahraga dan kesehatan
  • AIIMS@Delhi


    9 1.5 2025-03-20
    Olahraga dan kesehatan

This is the official android application for AIIMS@Delhi

Official AIIMS@Delhi app for taking and cancelling appointments, viewing lab reports and interacting with your doctor.

Note: you will need a UHID number and your mobile number registered in AIIMS database to use this app.

The following features are available:

1. view your patient profile

2. view lab reports

3. book and cancel appointments

4. AIIMS directory to find phone numbers of various doctors

Developed in association with Department of IT, AIIMS and NIC (National Informatics Centre)

Developed by - Nikaash Puri, Jitender Bajaj, Aakash Sinha

Apa yang baru di versi terbaru 1.5

Last updated on May 27, 2016 v1.2
- Perbaikan Bug Kecil

- Perbaikan bug
- Peningkatan stabilitas

- Perbaikan dan perbaikan bug
- app no longer in Beta mode

- bug fixes and stability improvements

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