APN Settings for ALL Free
Find APN Settings or Phone Data Settings for your Phone. Very Handy for Travel or Phone Network company change.
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In mobile technology nomenclature, APN is an acronym for Access Point Name. APN settings tell your phone what network to connects to for Internet access. Ponsel Android bergantung pada akses internet untuk penggunaan penuh kemampuannya, jadi mengetahui apa itu pengaturan Android APN yang ideal sangat penting untuk menerima manfaat maksimal dari ponsel Android Anda.
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APN settings on Android phones
Apa APN Android adalah pengaturan yang dikonfigurasi untuk manfaat maksimal oleh penyedia jaringan Anda, atau itu adalah sesuatu yang secara otomatis dikonfigurasi ponsel Anda untuk mengakses jaringan penyedia Anda untuk akses internet dan pertukaran data. Karena jaringan Anda menyediakan pengaturan APN Android Anda secara otomatis, biasanya tidak ada alasan untuk khawatir tentang pengaturan APN atau mempertimbangkan untuk mengubahnya. Namun, Anda memiliki opsi untuk mengubah pengaturan APN di ponsel Android Anda, dan Anda tidak harus memahami teknologi untuk menyelesaikan tugas tersebut.
APN identification on Android phones
To find the APN settings on your phone, start by choosing Settings on your Applications menu. The Settings menu has several headings; scroll until you find Wireless and Networks, and select that heading. Once you are in the Wireless and Networks menu, look for Mobile Networks and select it. Find and select Access Point Names from the Mobile Networks menu, which reveals the configured APNs on your phone. If there are several configured APNs, your phone highlights the one that is the primary access point that it uses to connect to your network.
The four most important APN settings are:
1. APN: Access Point Name is the unique name which varies for each network. Make sure you provide exact name provided by the cellphone carrier.
2. APN type: There are four APN types — generic, supl, mms and wap. These vary from carrier to carrier. “generic” is the most used default setting.
3. MMSC: Multimedia Messaging Service (MMSC) is used for MMS functionality.
4. Proxy: Some carriers provide proxy for data access. By default most carriers might not be having this.
In this App we will share with you the more common APN settings, very useful in case you change phone company or travel! Menikmati!
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