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D Plus Mobile Dialer to make VoIP calls from any of the android devices

D Plus Mobile Dialer to make VoIP calls from any of the android devices and it uses 3G/Edge/Wi-Fi Internet connectivity. Ini dikembangkan berdasarkan persyaratan kebutuhan bisnis penyedia voIP.

D Plus Mobile Dialer Features:-

• Aplikasi terintegrasi yang terdiri dari buku telepon, dialer yang direplikasi, info log panggilan, tampilan saldo otomatis, IVR otomatis, switching jaringan dan layar dialer yang konsisten

• Traverse NAT on public IP

• Auto delete Plus (+) sign when contact read from phone book

• Automatic switching to strong signal available when signal is weak [Applicable to iOS and Android]

• Excellent performance even in low-speed internet

• Automatic credit balance display

• IVR (interactive voice response) support to alert on the remaining call minutes

• Loss-less voice transmission

• Synchronization with mobile phonebook

• Stores 50 call logs and unlimited storage of contacts

• Easy adjustable microphone and speaker controls

• Automatic updates and display of real time status messages

• Customizable with enhanced branding options

• Real-time information on the current connection status

• Information on the actual account balance

• Information on the maximum duration for the call

• Connection timer

• Quick access to last dialed phone number

• Volume control

• Audio wizard

• Hold option – switching between connected lines

• NAT & STUN Support

• Encryption support

Our mobile VoIP dialer has very efficient implementation of jitter buffer to play voice smoothly. Penindasan diam dan pembuatan kebisingan kenyamanan telah digunakan untuk mengurangi penggunaan bandwidth, dan ini membuat dialer lebih efisien dalam membuat panggilan VoIP.

It easily integrates with mobile phonebook and auto detects (+) sign when contact is picked from phonebook.

Sejak diluncurkan, MOSIP Mobile Dialer telah menjadi sinonim untuk aplikasi seperti Mobile VoIP, VoIP Dialer, aplikasi VoIP seluler, perangkat lunak dialer seluler, aplikasi VoIP seluler, dialer seluler VoIP, aplikasi dialer seluler dan banyak lagi.

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