Facebook Lite memungkinkan Anda terhubung dengan teman Anda lebih cepat dan lebih mudah.
Facebook Lite APK adalah versi yang lebih kecil dan lebih ringan dari aplikasi Facebook yang dirancang untuk bekerja di jaringan lambat, menyimpan data seluler, dan mengambil lebih sedikit ruang di ponsel Anda. This app is perfect for people who have less than 2GB of RAM on their phone, or for those who are using 2G or 3G networks. Despite its smaller size, Facebook Lite provides an uncompromising Facebook experience with all the key features of the main app.
Key features of Facebook Lite :
• Messages - Facebook Lite allows users to use messaging without needing a separate messenger app. All the benefits of Facebook Lite and Lite Messenger can be enjoyed in one app. Pengguna dapat mengobrol dengan teman -teman secara pribadi atau dalam obrolan grup, dan memiliki opsi untuk panggilan video atau panggilan suara dengan siapa pun yang mereka inginkan sambil tetap memiliki kendali atas privasi mereka.
• Reels - Facebook Lite users can watch, create, and share fun reels with their friends on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and more. This feature allows users to express themselves through short-form videos with music, filters, and other creative tools.
• Stories - Users can also enjoy and share everyday moments with their friends by posting short stories. Cool effects like stickers, text, music, videos, or your own pics can be added to share your story.
• Videos - Facebook Lite users can discover and watch tons of shows and videos, including reels, from creators and pages they care about. Sharing publicly with their friends in a group message or in a private chat is possible.
• Groups - Facebook Lite is a great place to find communities of people with similar interests and connect with them. Users can join new groups, or create their own based on their interests.
• Marketplace - Facebook Lite users can buy and sell locally and connect with buyers and sellers on Facebook Marketplace. This feature allows users to shop for items they need, or sell items they no longer need locally.
• News - Facebook Lite keeps users informed about what's happening locally and globally. Users can stay updated on the latest news and events, and also follow topics that interest them.
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