Telepon tidak pernah begitu mudah!
Fontrillo is the new simple phone interface (launcher) conceived for whoever believes that a mobile phone should be easy to use. It allows anybody to enjoy an immediate, fresh and user-friendly experience. Fontrillo is the perfect choice for senior citizens and visually impaired people.
Besides providing all the functionality of a mobile phone, Fontrillo offers innovative services for safety and wellbeing such as Emergency Call, Telelocalization, Text to Speech and Assisted Configuration from the smartphone of a trusted person.
Please visit the website to learn more.
BASIC FUNCTIONS:Phonebook, text messages, call log are accessible by just swiping. You can call and write messages with just one touch.
TEXT MESSAGES: Fontrillo keyboards have been redesigned with big keys in alphabetical order to offer unequaled comfort when writing text messages.
NOTIFICATIONS: All notifications such as missed calls, received messages, events and anniversaries are clearly displayed on the screen and won't disappear until you acknowledge them.
QUICK ACCESS TO APPS: Your favorite apps ready to be launched from Fontrillo with a click
TEXT-TO-SPEECH: you can have Fontrillo read aloud for you messages, lists and notifications.
EMERGENCY CALL: The SOS button is accessible from every page; the user may select to make the button invisible via the SOS menu in the Settings page. The Emergency Call is started by pressing the button or just shaking the phone (even when the button is not visible). Fontrillo will place a call and send a text message (SMS) with the current geographical position to the preselected numbers.
LOCATION: Fontrillo provides an innovative location service based on all network technologies available today (GPS, mobile telephony network, WiFi network). Fontrillo localization service is available both outdoor and indoor and does not require packet data services to be active in the user's contact.
In association with the Emergency Call Fontrillo Location service provides the user's position that is delivered via SMS to the user's preselected contacts. At any moment Fontrillo may receive an SMS from one of the user's trusted persons, who must provide a passcode defined by the user, requesting to know the user's position, which Fontrillo automatically replies back via SMS. Fontrillo sophisticated localization algorithms are designed and engineered to preserve as much as possible the battery charge.
CAMERA and GALLERY: Fontrillo provides a simplified camera with just one key to shoot and one to exit the camera. Pictures taken by the user or received from someone else are shown in a dedicated page as a list that can be scrolled vertically.
CALENDAR: the user can set appointments, anniversaries, reminders for medicines and any event both in single shot mode or as recurring events. At the expiry date and time Fontrillo will display a notification that will remain on the screen until acknowledged.
FLASHLIGHT: A useful feature when the light goes suddenly away, Fontrillo flashlight is a lamp based on the camera flash. In order to preserve the battery life Fontrillo will automatically switch the flashlight off after 5 minutes.
CUSTOMIZATION: From the Settings page the user can customize Fontrillo User Interface and select wich pages shall be displayed and in which order.
ASSISTED CONFIGURATION: a trusted person can configure Fontrillo owner's contacts and calendar from another phone. The service is based on a password given the administrator by the Fontrillo owner. The teleconfiguration service is based on SMS and does not require a contract with packet data services
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