halaman depanaplikasibelanja daring
  • HappySale


    8.8 0.891 2024-11-02
    belanja daring

Jual, Beli, dan Perdagangkan barang -barang secara lokal. Menyenangkan dan gratis!

HappySale diciptakan untuk membantu Anda menjual secara lokal hal -hal yang Anda sukai tetapi tidak perlu lagi. It's a fun and happy way to sell, buy or trade your stuff with neighbors and friends.

Creating a new HappySale is a simple 3 step process:

1. Take pictures of the item you want to sell

2. Enter description and price

3. Share on Facebook, Twitter and Google+

Tidak ada kerumitan, tidak ada sakit kepala, sederhana.

Dan itu benar -benar gratis.

So what more can you expect from HappySale ?

☆ Automatic item description – Writing long detailed descriptions is a huge pain. Setelah Anda memasukkan nama item Anda, kami membawa deskripsi item lengkap untuk ulasan Anda sehingga Anda tidak akan menghabiskan terlalu banyak waktu untuk itu, dan pembeli Anda akan sangat senang!

☆ Price proposal – One of the hardest things in selling your stuff is the “for how much?” pertanyaan. You want it to sell, but you don't want to sell things for less than their worth. HappySale memberi Anda harga barang serupa dan menghitung, berdasarkan informasi yang Anda berikan, berapa harga yang disarankan yang harus Anda jual barang Anda.

☆ Pasar berbasis lokasi-Jika Anda ingin melihat apa yang orang lain jual, HappySale memberi Anda barang-barang terbaik yang dijual di daerah Anda, dan di lingkaran sosial Anda.

☆ In-app communication – HappySale enables you to chat with sellers directly inside the app. No more annoying emails of phone calls. Jika Anda menyukai sesuatu - mulailah mengobrol sekarang!

Finally, a personal message to our users: HappySale is a brand new application, and this is our first version. We are eager to provide you with an amazing experience, and hope you will enjoy our app. If you experience issues or problems, please help us improve HappySale by visiting our support website at http://www.HappySale.com/support

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Permissions explained:

Like most apps, we ask for permissions on your device. These permissions are used to make the HappySale experience everything it is. We would like to explain here why we need these permissions. Transparency creates trust.

Camera: We use the camera of your mobile phone or tablet to take photos of the things you want to sell. Then, we make these photos beautiful through filters.

Location: We use location information from your device to save you the trouble of telling us where the item is located. We NEVER disclose accurate location information, only an estimated one.

Storage: We use the internal memory of your mobile/tablet device to store photos and content from the HappySale app. We NEVER access anything but these photos and content.

Accounts: When using HappySale , you will be identified using the account registered on your mobile/tablet device. We NEVER store any passwords or transfer your details to any 3rd party. When you post on HappySale , however, we present your email to potential buyers for communication.

What's New in the Latest Version 0.891

Last updated on Nov 12, 2015 This version represents a massive new update for the HappySale mobile app. A brand new category is added - Real Estate!

This is a massive update, and there might be several undiscovered bugs that we haven't found yet. Please help us, and if you discover anything please let us know at info@ HappySale .com.

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