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An alternative to the official Facebook app (no longer maintained)


You can view the source code on Github : https://github.com/jonathangerbaud/Klyph


Due to Facebook limitations on third party apps and unpredictable errors occurring on Facebook's platform, this project is no longer maintained. No further update are planned.

Read this post for more info : https://plus.google.com/+JonathanGerbaud/posts/6eS74NMpTv8

Join the Google+ community ! https://plus.google.com/communities/108701133516085969362

Everyone gets tired of the ugly, slow official Facebook app so why don't you give a try to Klyph: a new client for Facebook.

With a nice and smooth UI designed following the Android Design Guidelines, Klyph looks like the Google+ app but for Facebook.

Masih muda dan dalam pengembangan awal, Klyph tentu belum sempurna dan mungkin masih kehilangan beberapa fitur tetapi mencoba membawa pengalaman pengguna terbaik Facebook di perangkat Android Anda (ponsel dan tablet).

Also, due to Facebook limitations on third-party apps, the following features are not allowed:

• Like a page

• Tagging in statuses/comments with “@” like the official Facebook app

• Share a status/photo/video on a friend's timeline.

Klyph berisi beberapa iklan, karena, yah, kami bukan Facebook (dan juga tidak berfungsi untuk Facebook) jadi kami harus mendapatkan uang dari satu atau lain cara untuk melanjutkan pengembangan. Jika Anda menyukai Klyph , dan ingin mendukung kami atau hanya menyingkirkan iklan, silakan beli versi Pro di sini: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.abewy.klyph.pro.

We are looking for translators. Making a translation take less than two hours, so contact us if you want to make Klyph available in your language.

We are always happy to receive suggestions, bug reports or simply a thank you. We always try to answer so don't hesitate to send us an email.

Kepada orang -orang yang menilai Bintang Aplikasi 1 atau 2: kami dapat memahami bahwa Anda tidak menyukai aplikasi tersebut karena desainnya, bug atau apa pun, tetapi tolong, tolong, biarkan komentar untuk membantu kami meningkatkan aplikasi.

Apa yang baru di versi terbaru 1.2.6

Last updated on Aug 7, 2015 Version 1.2.6

Friend lists
Support for canceled event notifications
Comment editing

Profile Cover image is darkening progressively
Main activity title now displays selected tab title

Post to a friend's wall
Pull to refresh on empty list
Cover image size on user's profile when image is too small
Crash on orientation change on user/page/group profile
Send/confirm friend requests

Thank you for the feedback !

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