halaman depanaplikasiGaya Hidup dan Hiburan
  • My Cookery Book

    My Cookery Book

    9 v.223 Free 10/2024 Powered by Tambucho 2025-03-19
    Gaya Hidup dan Hiburan

The ultimate application to manage all your recipes.(Recipe Organiser)

Through this application you can create your own recipe book perfectly organized by categories. You can share them with other users of the application. Write down the cooking times of different foods to have them on hand. A timer that will help you make recipes. And a Shopping List to write down the ingredients you need.

- Simple and intuitive application operation, no complicated data entry screens or strange concepts to learn.

- Through the preferences, establish the font size most appropriate for your device, and the wallpaper that you like the most.

- Buat kategori resep sesuai kebutuhan dan memesannya sesuka Anda, misalnya salad terlebih dahulu, lalu sup, dll. Anda selalu dapat memesan ulang sebagai yang paling cocok untuk Anda.

- Masukkan resep Anda, data yang diperlukan adalah judul resep, bahan dan persiapan, opsional Anda juga dapat memasukkan variasi dan komentar. You can also include a main photograph, and up to 5 secondary ones.

- Share your recipes. We have created a recipe warehouse in the cloud so that App users can share their recipes. Anda akan dapat mengirim resep ke gudang, serta mencari gudang untuk resep yang menarik minat Anda, berdasarkan kategori dan bahasa, lihat pratinjau, dan jika Anda tertarik, impor langsung ke aplikasi.

- Submit your recipes. You can send the recipe and its photographs by Email, Whatsapp, SMS, etc., depending on the options you have installed on your device.

- Write down the cooking times of foods so you can consult them quickly.

- Create your shopping list with the ingredients you need. In addition, these will be stored in a database so that the next time it will be easier through auto-completion.

- It has a practical timer that will help you when preparing your recipes.

- Sinkronisasi dengan Dropbox, jika Anda memiliki beberapa perangkat, atau ingin berbagi buku resep Anda dengan keluarga Anda, Anda semua dapat menyinkronkan dengan akun Dropbox yang sama dan dengan demikian semuanya diperbarui.

- Sistem cadangan yang kuat. You can schedule automated copies in Dropbox, or make backup copies manually that can be sent to Drive, by Email, WhatsApp, etc.

Jika Anda memiliki masalah dengan aplikasi, atau proposal apa pun untuk peningkatannya, silakan hubungi kami melalui email pengembang dan kami akan membantu Anda secepat mungkin.

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