halaman depanaplikasiKomunikasi dan sosial
  • OpenLiveView


    7.3 2024-12-23
    Komunikasi dan sosial

Nikmati jutaan aplikasi android terbaru, game, musik, film, TV, buku, majalah & lainnya. Kapan saja, di mana saja, di seluruh perangkat Anda.

OpenLiveView is an open source reimplementation of the Sony Ericsson LiveView driver app.


- Shows all Android notifications on your LiveView device

- Incoming call notification

- Media controls

- Phone finder

- Battery status

This app needs the following permissions:

- Bluetooth: For communication with the LiveView device.

- Vibrate: To make the phone or tablet vibrate when using the "find my phone function"

- Read contacts: Needed to display the name of the sender of a received SMS message.

- Receive SMS: Needed to know whenever a message is received.

- Read SMS: Needed to display the contents of received SMS messages on the LiveView.

This app is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. The source can be found at http://OpenLiveView.googlecode.com

Sony Ericsson LiveView™ is a trademark of Sony Corporation. OpenLiveView and RN+ are not in any way associated with Sony Corporation.

What's New in the Latest Version

Last updated on Jan 20, 2016 See the Google code project page.
Hid away a debug menu item. (for those who want to see the bitmap test: is still available for download at OpenLiveView .googlecode.com
Added basic filter. (Thanks to Jan Korpegård)

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