Rate and match with other people!
Google "NoseDive" or "App Development and Condiments" for the inspiration of this app.
- Rate other people
- Match with other people
- Profile verification
- Direct message your matches
- PRIME Status
- See your rating
- Create public posts with comments
Only the higher rated person can start a conversation!
This is strictly a parody app at heart with fully functional concepts of rating other people. To prevent any form of online bullying, you may opt-out (if you sign up) at any time to withdraw your ratings and presence within rateME .
You may not rate yourself.
Future updates will be developed if this concept is funny enough for everyone to accept without complaining about the morals that are broken. Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan sindiran dan parodi dalam pikiran dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk melukai perasaan Anda, namun, jika itu, silakan hapus instalasi aplikasi ini dan tinggalkan segera untuk mencegah rasa sakit atau cedera lebih lanjut.
Should this app exist in a serious setting? Is it morally right to allow anyone to rate someone in an open public forum? Let us know by posting your opinion in the Network, though you need to be 4.1 or higher!
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