halaman depanaplikasiGaya Hidup dan Hiburan

Bersantailah dengan suara malam yang bisa dicampur dengan musik.

Bersantailah dengan suara terbaik malam ini. Tertidur lebih cepat dan tidur lebih nyenyak!

Ideal untuk bersantai, tidur, meditasi, konsentrasi, atau jika Anda memiliki masalah dengan tinitus (dering telinga).

Aplikasi ini memainkan suara malam yang berbeda, suara yang diputar dengan cara ini juga dikenal sebagai white noise.

White noise has beneficial effects on the body and mind because, covering the noise of the external environment, promotes relaxation and concentration.

You can set the timer and put your app in background or turn off the screen. At the end of the time, the sound fades gently and the application closes by itself. So you do not have to worry about closing the app if you fall asleep.

Apakah Anda kesulitan tidur? This app helps you sleep by blocking distractions. Now you can asleep faster and sleep better!

You can say goodbye to your insomnia! Tingkatkan hidup Anda!

Gunakan setelah hari yang penuh tekanan untuk mendapatkan kembali kedamaian batin Anda. Masuk ke oasis ketenangan Anda.

*** Fitur Aplikasi ***

- 15+ perfectly looped sounds

- timer system that slowly fades audio out

- auto-pause sounds on incoming call

- volume controls

- quick menu

- usage in the background and with other apps

- no streaming is required for playback (no data connection required)

- pause and play sounds

*** List of sounds ***

- Brahms' Lullaby and crickets

- Frogs in the pond

- Peaceful night

- Night in the woods

- Rain and crickets

- Silent Night and crickets

- Boat in the lake

- Summer night

- Crickets around the lake

- Campfire on the beach

- Dawn in the field

- Night in tent

- Calm ocean at night

- Night in the field

*** Catatan Penggunaan ***

For a better experience, I recommend you the use of headphones or earphones to listen the relaxing sounds.

You can use the app in background and with other apps.

*** Notes on permissions ***

- Device ID & call information (read phone status and identity)

Digunakan untuk menghentikan suara pada panggilan masuk dan bermain lagi di akhir panggilan.

- In-app purchases

Used in the purchase of the premium version.

- Prevent phone from sleeping

Digunakan untuk tetap hidup aplikasi saat Anda mematikan layar atau saat menggunakan aplikasi lain.

- Full network access and view network connections

Used to verify the purchases and show ads.

What's New in the Latest Version 5.16.1

Last updated on Aug 2, 2024 Bug fixes and improvements

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