halaman depanaplikasiKomunikasi dan sosial

Allow quick browsing popular social networking sites in a single app.

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/seasonworkstation

Social Sites Browser is essential to social media users.

You can access many popular soical networking sites in a single app.

You don't need to install tons of social apps, which take up lots of RAM and space and slow to load.

Social Sites Browser can save your memory and allow you browsing social sites quick and smooth, as it is just a single app.

Social Sites Browser also provides a tidy, nice and familar interface, so that you will have a comfortable experience in browsing sites.

If some sites are missing, please contact Season Workstation at [email protected]

Note: This app can works on any mobile device with Android 3.0 or later.

Feature Summary:

-Support 40+ sites

-Low RAM and space usage

-Quick and smooth browsing

-Tidy and familar interface

-View videos in fullscreen

-Allow upload and download things.

-Day/Night mode

-Support auto-refresh and auto-scroll

-Allow text search

Supported Sites:

About.me Pixnet

Ask.fm Plurk

Baidu QQ weibo

Blogger Qzone

Cloob Renren

deviantART Sina Weibo

douban Skyrock

eToro Sohu weibo

Facebook Spring.me

Flickr StumbleUpon

Foursquare Tagged

friendfeed Taringa!

hi5 tuenti

Instagram Tumblr

Kaixin001 Twitter

LinkedIn TWOO

LiveJournal Vine

Meetup Vkontakte

mixi WAYN

Myspace We Heart It

Netlog Xanga

Odnoklassniki Xing


Apa yang baru di versi terbaru 2.0.0

Last updated on May 24, 2016 v2.0.0
-added new sites
-added bookmark function
-optimize user experience

-added video option in "Other" for video full screen toggle problem
-solved "crash after app put in background for long time" bug
-fixed soft keyboard auto show bug

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