A "small" log program, especially but not only for the SBW, GMA/SOTA.....
UDXLog adalah program log "kecil" yang dikembangkan untuk kontes Saxon Mountain, tetapi dapat digunakan dengan baik untuk GMA/SOTA dan tentu saja untuk banyak aplikasi log lainnya di radio ham.
Adaptations to GMA/SOTA are eg
- optimized reference input (for cell phones)
- automated upload to cqGMA.eu
- Karena versi 3.0.0 Anda dapat mengirim tempat ke GMA (berkat dukungan CQGMA!), Tetapi juga ke SOTA dan ke DXCluster, karena versi 6.0.0 juga melalui SMS ke GMA
- Determination of own location via GPS (optional)
- display of direction/distance to the reference, if its position is known
The logged data can be viewed, filtered and edited in the logview.
For the transfer of the log data UDXLog masters the ADIF export. Also the export as CSV (also in GMA format v2) is possible.
Furthermore, it is possible to perform a (regular) backup on Google Drive and/or FTP. Also a synchronization between 2 devices (eg cell phone and tablet) is possible (see also help).
With version 5.0.0 a GPS support has been added.
From version 6, if desired, the own position can be stored.
Also maps of the worked and activated references (also for SBW) can be created. See also the help(buttons).
Since the help may not be so optimal to read on a cell phone, it can also be viewed here: http://do2udx.darc.de/hilfe_de.html.
(unfortunately only in German at the moment)
Please also note the privacy policy (incl. terms of use):
http://do2udx.darc.de/datenschutz.htm (in German)
UDXLog needs the following rights from the system (Android) (the exact name may differ):
Access to (SD) memory: save settings (setup) and log data.
Prevent standby mode: Keep screen on (can be set in setup, see also help).
Internet access: the display of help, changelog, this explanation and the logfiles (LogView) is done in the internal webbrowser. UDXLog does not use internet access in the web browser. For the sync and backup function, access to Goggle Drive is required (access permission for Google Drive is requested separately!). Internet access is also required and used for this purpose. The same applies for the upload to cqGMA.eu (via Export -> ADIF_GMA)
Eksekusi saat startup: Fungsi yang mengontrol cadangan harus dapat dimulai setelah dimulainya perangkat agar dapat melakukan maka, jika dipilih, pada waktu yang disesuaikan cadangan.
GPS: Dimulai dengan Dukungan GPS Versi 5.0.0 dibangun. Tergantung pada versi Android, ini diminta segera atau melalui "Izin Runtime" jika diperlukan. The position is not stored, see privacy policy.
For questions, wishes, problems... just write an eMail to [email protected].
I'm working on the app in my spare time and I'm not a skilled programmer, so there can still be errors despite all tests.
ps: Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) :-)
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